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Global Pentecostalism and Ethnic Identity Maintenance among Latino Immigrants
Pneuma ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/15700747-03901004
Deborah L. Berhó 1 , Gerardo Martí 2 , Mark T. Mulder 3

Protestantism has been considered particularly weak for sustaining ethnic boundaries among immigrants. Recognizing the global adaptability and indigenization of Pentecostalism, however, we expect that immigrants from more pentecostal nations will likely retain their Protestantism in ways that affirm their ethnic identity. Using ethnographic data, our research demonstrates how a Guatemalan pentecostal church in Oregon successfully preserves its homeland culture, revealing how the structure of Pentecostalism at La Iglesia de Restauracion (affiliated with Elim churches) sustains ethnic continuity with its native indigenous culture. This Latino Protestant church affirms Pentecostalism’s capacity to encourage transnational relationships through a variety of social mechanisms, including provision of ethnic symbols and a space to use them, use of homeland languages (both Ki’che and Spanish), and promotion of a homegrown leadership. Moreover, the doctrinal division between “world” and “church” discourages assimilation into American culture while simultaneously reinforcing maintenance of “godly” indigenous practices that are legitimated as appropriately religious.



人们认为,新教对于维持移民之间的种族边界特别薄弱。然而,认识到五旬节教派的全球适应性和本土化,我们希望来自更多五旬节派国家的移民可能会以肯定其种族身份的方式保留其新教徒。利用人种学数据,我们的研究证明了俄勒冈州的危地马拉五旬节教会如何成功地保存其家园文化,并揭示了La Iglesia de Restauracion(与Elim教堂有关联)的五旬节主义的结构如何通过其本土土著文化维持民族的连续性。这个拉丁裔新教教会肯定了五旬节教派通过各种社会机制(包括提供种族符号和使用它们的空间)鼓励跨国关系的能力,使用本土语言(基切语和西班牙语),并提升本土领导能力。此外,“世界”和“教会”之间的教义划分不鼓励同化美国文化,同时加强对合法存在宗教信仰的“上帝”土著习俗的维护。