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Teachers’ Religious Headscarves in German Constitutional Law
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-01 , DOI: 10.1093/ojlr/rww064
Greg Taylor

In 2015, the German Federal Constitutional Court decided that Muslim teachers who wished to wear a headscarf in class must generally be allowed to do so: for any prohibition to be justified the headscarf had to cause a tangible danger of unrest in the school or the school district. The Court should have paid more attention to the interests of pupils to a productive and happy education, but it could not because there is no right to school education in the Basic Law to balance against religious rights. This case therefore highlights a major danger of rights catalogues-something important might be left out. Schools already face enough challenges without having to monitor the effect of headscarves in, for example, areas with a high Muslim population in which the local community may be divided on the question, and needing to consider taking (unspecified) action. Furthermore, adolescence is already difficult enough, especially in a minority group, without the further pressure of teachers modelling behaviour which some female pupils may feel uncomfortable with. On the other hand, the Court was right to hold that it had not deviated from the ratio decidendi of an earlier decision.



2015 年,德国联邦宪法法院决定,一般必须允许希望在课堂上戴头巾的穆斯林教师这样做:要使任何禁令成为正当理由,头巾必须对学校或学校造成明显的动乱危险区。法院本应更加关注学生的利益,以实现富有成效和快乐的教育,但不能因为《基本法》中没有学校教育权来平衡宗教权利。因此,这个案例凸显了权利目录的一个主要危险——一些重要的东西可能会被遗漏。学校已经面临足够多的挑战,而无需监控头巾的影响,例如,在穆斯林人口众多的地区,当地社区可能在这个问题上存在分歧,并需要考虑采取(未指明的)行动。此外,青春期已经够难了,特别是在少数群体中,没有老师示范行为的进一步压力,一些女学生可能会感到不舒服。另一方面,法院认为它没有偏离先前判决的判决比例是正确的。