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Een gebreidelde Atlas en zijn hemelkloot. De geschiedenis van een stadhuisbeeld
Oud Holland ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-21 , DOI: 10.1163/18750176-12901008
Maarten Hell

A Bridled Atlas and his celestial globe. The History of a Statue on the Amsterdam Town Hall. The central figure at the back facade of the former city hall -now royal palace- in Amsterdam is the mythological giant Atlas. His presence is 'an allusion to universal peace', according to art historians who refer to the Treatry of Munster (1648) that also inspired other decorations by the architect Jacob van Campen (1596-1657). Yet in the visual language of the early modern period, the image of Atlas rather points to a transfer of power. During his preliminary design of the building, Van Campen was faced with the death of his former patron, stadtholder Frederick Henry of Orange, who was succeeded by his son, William II. The Amsterdam burgomasters agreed with a statue referring to their less-than-beloved stadtholder only because he was flanked and watched by two ladies: Temperantia (moderation) and Vigilantia (vigilance). Around 1667 the bronze Atlas with a large globe on his shoulders was placed on the tympan at the rear side of the town hall. Visitors who dared to climb into the sphere were rewarded with a magnificent view of the city. Coloured green by corrosion, Atlas still dominates the western side of the royal palace today.


Een gebreidelde Atlas en zijn hemelkloot。德盖希德尼·范·恩·斯塔德胡斯贝尔德

被束缚的阿特拉斯和他的天球。阿姆斯特丹市政厅雕像的历史。阿姆斯特丹前市政厅(现为皇家宫殿)后立面的中心人物是神话中的巨人阿特拉斯。据艺术史学家称,他的存在是“对普遍和平的暗示”,他们提到了《明斯特条约》(1648 年),这也启发了建筑师雅各布·范·坎彭(1596-1657 年)的其他装饰。然而,在近代早期的视觉语言中,阿特拉斯的形象更像是一种权力的转移。在建筑的初步设计期间,范坎彭面临着他的前赞助人,奥兰治的总督弗雷德里克亨利的去世,他的儿子威廉二世继位。阿姆斯特丹市政厅长同意一座雕像,指的是他们不那么心爱的总督,只是因为他的两侧是两位女士:Temperantia(温和)和 Vigilantia(警惕)。大约在 1667 年,肩上扛着一个大地球仪的青铜阿特拉斯被放置在市政厅后侧的鼓室上。敢于爬入球体的游客可以欣赏到城市的壮丽景色。被腐蚀染成绿色,阿特拉斯今天仍然统治着王宫的西侧。