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“The new children of the earth”
Orbis Litterarum ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-29 , DOI: 10.1111/oli.12190
Mónica Calvo‐Pascual 1

University of Zaragoza, Spain Abstract This article analyzes Larissa Lai’s novel Salt Fish Girl (2002) as a case of dystopian fiction marked by a concern with the dangers of the “Anthropocene” and the oppression of what lies beyond the scope of prescriptive definitions of humanity. Taking as point of departure Braidotti’s posthuman theory and her postanthropocentric approach to embodied difference, I focus on the feminist and lesbian stance of Lai’s novel. For this purpose, I explore issues such as the characters’ zoecentred, nonhierarchical fusion with nature, the link to the maternal through fish smell (traditionally associated with female genitalia, here reclaimed and embraced), together with the subversive potential of female bonding, and of alternative modes of motherhood and reproduction as opposed to heteropatriarchal utilitarian technoscientific control.1



西班牙萨拉戈萨大学 摘要 本文分析 Larissa Lai 的小说 Salt Fish Girl (2002) 作为反乌托邦小说的一个案例,其特点是关注“人类世”的危险以及对超出人类规范定义范围的事物的压迫。 . 以布雷多蒂的后人类理论和她对具身差异的后人类中心主义方法为出发点,我关注赖小说中的女权主义和女同性恋立场。为此,我探索了一些问题,例如角色以动物为中心,与自然的无等级融合,通过鱼味与母性的联系(传统上与女性生殖器相关,在这里被回收和拥抱),以及女性纽带的颠覆性潜力,