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Tooth Decay: Edgar Allan Poe and the Neuro-déca"dent" isme of Villiers and Huysmans
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2017.0005
Andrea Goulet

This essay studies dental motifs in fin-de-siècle decadent fiction, including Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's L'Ève future and especially Huysmans's À rebours, in the double context of neurological medical discourses (Beard, Charcot) and the transatlantic history of dentistry in France and the United States. By way of Poe's and Redon's neuropathological visions, tooth-rot in Villiers and Huysmans becomes revalued as part of a modern aesthetic sensibility, a refined reaction against the effects of American consumerism and base materiality. From the supplemental artifice of dentures to the fleur phéniqué used to treat neurasthenia and neurosyphilis, teeth embody decadent reflections on corruptibility, nervosisme, and art.



本文研究神经科医学话语(胡须,夏尔科特语)和跨大西洋历史的双重背景下的鳍废小说中的牙科图案,包括维利耶·德·伊斯勒·亚当的《 L'ÈveFuture》,特别是韦斯曼的《 Rebours》。法国和美国的牙科。通过Poe和Redon的神经病理学观点,Villiers和Huysmans中的牙齿腐烂被重新估价为现代审美敏感性的一部分,这是对美国消费主义和基本物质的影响的一种精妙反应。从假牙的补充技巧到用于治疗神经衰弱和神经梅毒的鸢尾花,牙齿体现出对腐败,神经衰弱和艺术的decade废反映。