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The Incorporation of Thought in Victor Hugo’s “Le Satyre”
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2019.0015
Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe

This article considers how Victor Hugo’s philosophical poem “Le Satyre” incorporates thought into verse. Central to the first series of La Legende des siecles (1859), “Le Satyre” explores the idea of progress through a variety of physical experiences. The faun’s physicality is usually interpreted as a grotesque challenge to the classical gods, symbolizing the Revolution overturning hierarchies, but it is also part of a wider exploration of the embodiment of thought. The satyr’s body, gestures, and feelings shape the poem’s argument, and in his own performance he uses an array of concrete metaphors to express abstract concepts. The famous passage in which he expands into a landscape is just the most striking instance of this synthesis of the conceptual and the material. Attending closely to the way Hugo articulates these connections between ideas and bodily presence ultimately permits a reconsideration of the poem’s political sense.



本文考虑了维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)的哲学诗“萨蒂尔(Le Sa​​tyre)”如何将思想融入诗歌中。《传奇》(La Legende des siecles)(1859年)的第一系列的核心是“萨蒂尔”(Le Sa​​tyre),它通过各种身体经验探索了进步的思想。动物的身体通常被解释为对古典神灵的怪诞挑战,象征着革命推翻了等级制度,但它也是对思想体现的更广泛探索的一部分。讽刺者的身体,手势和感觉塑造了这首诗的论点,在他的表演中,他使用了一系列具体的隐喻来表达抽象概念。他在其中扩张成风景的著名段落只是这种概念和材料综合的最显着实例。