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The International Obligation of the Uniform and Autonomous Interpretation of Private Law Conventions: Consequences for Domestic Courts and International Organisations
Netherlands International Law Review Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40802-020-00166-3
João Ribeiro-Bidaoui

This article addresses the issue of the uniform and autonomous interpretation of private law conventions, including of private international law conventions, from the perspective of their Contracting States, particularly their judiciaries, and of the international organizations. Firstly, the author analyses the use of standard uniform interpretation clauses, and the origin of such clauses, in the context of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The following part the article addresses negative and positive obligations imposed on States and their judiciaries under international law regarding the uniform and autonomous interpretation of international treaties. It is argued that States are not only obliged to refrain from referring to concepts from national laws for the purpose of the interpretation of international law instruments, but also that they face certain positive obligations in the process of applying the conventions. Those include referring to foreign case law, international scholarship, and under certain circumstances, also to travaux préparatoires . Thirdly, the author discusses the role of international organizations—e.g. HCCH, UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, in safeguarding and facilitating the uniform and autonomous interpretation of private law conventions. It does so by describing various related tools and approaches, with examples and comments on their practical use (e.g. advisory opinions, information sharing, access to supplementary material, judicial exchanges and legislative action).



本文从其缔约国,特别是其司法机构和国际组织的角度,解决了对私法公约(包括国际私法公约)的统一和自主解释问题。首先,笔者以海牙国际私法会议为背景,分析了标准统一解释条款的使用及其起源。该条的下一部分涉及国际法规定的各国及其司法机构在统一和自主解释国际条约方面承担的消极和积极义务。有人认为,各国不仅有义务避免在解释国际法文书时引用国内法中的概念,而且他们在适用公约的过程中面临某些积极的义务。其中包括参考外国判例法、国际奖学金,在某些情况下,还参考准备工作。第三,作者讨论了国际组织(例如 HCCH、UNCITRAL、UNIDROIT)在保护和促进私法公约的统一和自主解释方面的作用。它通过描述各种相关工具和方法,以及对其实际使用的示例和评论(例如咨询意见、信息共享、获取补充材料、司法交流和立法行动)来实现这一点。并且在某些情况下,还包括准备工作文件。第三,作者讨论了国际组织(例如 HCCH、UNCITRAL、UNIDROIT)在保护和促进私法公约的统一和自主解释方面的作用。它通过描述各种相关工具和方法,以及对其实际使用的示例和评论(例如咨询意见、信息共享、获取补充材料、司法交流和立法行动)来实现这一点。并且在某些情况下,还包括准备工作文件。第三,作者讨论了国际组织(例如 HCCH、UNCITRAL、UNIDROIT)在保护和促进私法公约的统一和自主解释方面的作用。它通过描述各种相关工具和方法,以及对其实际使用的示例和评论(例如咨询意见、信息共享、获取补充材料、司法交流和立法行动)来实现这一点。