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Entre la voz y el silencio: autoridad femenina en La Sigea de Carolina Coronado
Neophilologus ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11061-020-09644-8
María Aboal López

In the novel La Sigea (1854) Carolina Coronado portrays a 16th-century humanist, Luisa Sigea de Velasco, revendicating her criticism of the situation of the creative woman. In this work, Coronado illustrates both the Renaissance reality of the scholarly courtesan, and her own nineteenth-century author-identity, by sharing the disappointment and frustration they suffered as women of letters in contexts of male hegemony. In the following pages we investigate the vindication of female authorship as a creative authority.


Entre la voz y el silencio: autoridad femenina en La Sigea de Carolina Coronado

在小说 La Sigea (1854) 中,卡罗莱纳·科罗纳多 (Carolina Coronado) 描绘了 16 世纪的人文主义者 Luisa Sigea de Velasco,反驳了她对创造性女性处境的批评。在这部作品中,科罗纳多通过分享她们在男性霸权背景下作为文学女性所遭受的失望和挫折,展示了这位学术名妓的文艺复兴时期的现实,以及她自己 19 世纪的作者身份。在接下来的几页中,我们调查了女性作者作为创作权威的证明。