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La respuesta de Quevedo al padre Pineda: una obra posiblemente censurada
Neophilologus ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s11061-019-09610-z
María José Alonso Veloso

Numerous invectives against Quevedo’s works were disseminated from 1626 to 1635, coinciding with the publication of his most polemical texts: Politica de Dios, Buscon and Suenos. Among the earliest ones, there is a diatribe against the political treatise by the Jesuit priest Juan de Pineda, handwritten and now lost. Quevedo replied to it quickly, in 1626. His response is preserved in two manuscript sources dated in the 17th century, one of them with relevant omissions never mentioned by scholars. The aim of this paper is to provide information about more than twenty excerpts that were included in the version that could be presumably closer to the author’s will; the other one, which was precisely the base text of modern editors, might have censored them. The above omissions seem to be due to a possible censure: some insulting passages against Pineda dissapear, as well as praises and quotes from a controversial Jesuit, Gabriel Vazquez, who was accused for his heterodox ideas and even imprisoned by the Inquisition.


La respuesta de Quevedo al padre Pineda: una obra posiblemente censurada

从 1626 年到 1635 年,大量针对克韦多作品的谩骂被传播开来,恰逢他最具争议性的文章:Politica de Dios、Buscon 和 Suenos 的出版。在最早的那些中,有一篇对耶稣会牧师胡安·德·皮内达(Juan de Pineda)的政治论文的谩骂,该论文是手写的,现已遗失。克韦多于 1626 年迅速回复。他的回复保存在两份 17 世纪的手稿来源中,其中一份有相关遗漏,学者从未提及。本文的目的是提供有关版本中包含的二十多个摘录的信息,这些摘录可能更接近作者的意愿;另一份,正是现代编辑的基础文本,可能对它们进行了审查。上述遗漏似乎是由于可能的谴责: