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Metafictional Amendments: Telepathic Metalepses in Stranger than Fiction
Narrative ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/nar.2018.0005
Lindsay Holmgren

ABSTRACT:This article begins with an analysis of Marc Forster's Stranger than Fiction that emphasizes the film's telepathic nuances, illustrating literary telepathy's role in the metaleptic events that the ostensibly "innocent" protagonist experiences. Elaborating on existing work in literary telepathy, the article then brings Seo-Young Chu's SF model of mimesis into dialogue with that of unnatural narratology in order to illustrate how telepathic metalepses bear on our understanding of mimesis more broadly. With this understanding of mimesis, the article demonstrates how metalepsis upends the dominant structures of knowledge dissemination and reception, bringing the so-called innocent—and the "subnarratable" features of his life—to the fore. Returning, finally, to a critical discussion of Stranger than Fiction, the article demonstrates how telepathic metalepses foster the protagonist's authorial role in his own narrative, thereby challenging a number of conventions, chief among them the category of innocence and the generic conventions it supports.



摘要:本文首先分析了马克·福斯特的《比小说更奇怪》,该片强调了电影心灵感应的细微差别,说明了文学心灵感应在表面上“无辜”的主人公所经历的隐喻事件中的作用。文章详细阐述了文学心灵感应的现有工作,然后将朱瑞英的 SF 模仿模型与非自然叙事学的模型进行对话,以说明心灵感应如何更广泛地理解我们对模仿的理解。有了对拟态的这种理解,这篇文章展示了 metaepsis 如何颠覆知识传播和接受的主导结构,将所谓的无辜——以及他生活中的“亚述”特征——推到前台。最后,回到对《比小说更陌生》的批判性讨论,