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“No Poor Among Them”: Sabbath and Jubilee Years in Lukan Social Ethics
Horizons In Biblical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-11 , DOI: 10.1163/18712207-12341374
David Andrew Smith 1

This article examines the reconfiguration of socially poignant Pentateuchal texts in Luke-Acts. Beginning with a critical examination of the Jubilee background of Jesus’ Nazareth sermon, the article moves to elucidate Luke’s interweaving of scriptural traditions of the Jubilee and Sabbath years and related economically rich scriptural texts into the story of Jesus and the early church. This study explores how the author of Luke and Acts has integrated the life and teachings of Jesus with the kerygma and social existence of the early church by way of sustained, subtle reference to idealized visions of communal life in Israel’s foundational scriptures.



本文考察了路加使徒行传中社会凄美的五经文本的重构。文章首先对耶稣拿撒勒布道的禧年背景进行批判性研究,然后阐明路加将禧年和安息年的圣经传统以及相关的经济丰富的圣经文本交织到耶稣和早期教会的故事中。本研究探讨了路加和使徒行传的作者如何通过持续、微妙地参考以色列基础经文中理想化的社区生活愿景,将耶稣的生平和教导与早期教会的 kerygma 和社会存在结合起来。