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Rereading the Ark Narrative: An Exilic Word of Hope and Warning
Horizons In Biblical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-12 , DOI: 10.1163/18712207-12341367
Matthew D. Beach 1

This article explains how 2 Sam 6:1-8 was redacted during the Babylonian exile in order to impart a theological message of hope and warning to the exilic community. This is demonstrated through an exploration of the similarities between 2 Sam 6:1-8 and Exod 32. The primary similarities include: (1) how Uzzah fulfills the same priestly role as Aaron; (2) how David serves as a symbolic “Moses figure” who guides the people and the ark to Jerusalem; and (3) how Yahweh broke out against Uzzah in anger, symbolic of how Yahweh allowed the Babylonian army to overthrow Jerusalem and take the people captive.



这篇文章解释了在巴比伦流放期间如何编辑 2 Sam 6:1-8,以便向流放社区传达希望和警告的神学信息。这通过对撒姆二章 6:1-8 和出埃及记 32 之间相似之处的探索得到证明。主要的相似之处包括:(1) 乌撒如何履行与亚伦相同的祭司角色;(2) 大卫如何充当象征性的“摩西形象”,带领百姓和约柜前往耶路撒冷;(3) 耶和华如何向乌撒发怒,象征耶和华如何允许巴比伦军队推翻耶路撒冷并俘虏百姓。