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The Cult of St Edmund, King and Martyr, and the Medieval Kings of England
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.13029

Two notable late‐medieval images depicting St Edmund King and Martyr, or his shrine, associate his cult with prayers and intercession for the king. In Lydgate's illustrated verse life of the saint, Henry VI is shown kneeling before the shrine, while on the Wilton Diptych, Edmund is one of three saints presenting Richard II to the Virgin Mary. This article explores royal devotion to Edmund, examining efforts of kings to sustain a religious aura linked to saintly predecessors. The article considers evidence for royal visits to Bury St Edmunds abbey and gift‐giving in honour of the saint. Rulers from the eleventh century onwards venerated Edmund, including Edward the Confessor (himself later canonised). Twelfth‐ and thirteenth‐century royal pilgrimages combined visits to shrines at Westminster, Canterbury, Bury and East Anglian holy sites. Henry III named his second son in honour of the saint. Meanwhile, Edmund's banner was carried, and gifts made in intercession or thanks, for success in battle. Despite emerging interest in the martial cult of St George, kingly giving in honour of Edmund continued in the fourteenth century, with the saint honoured alongside others, notably the Confessor and Becket. This combined devotion, it is argued, was the predominant way in which kings of England invoked the saints. St Edmund's importance in kingly religious activity linked sanctified kingship with appeals to the attributes of a range of saints.



两幅描绘圣埃德蒙国王和殉道者或其神殿的中世纪晚期著名图像将他的崇拜与为国王祈祷和代祷联系起来。在利德盖特 (Lydgate) 的插图诗歌生活中,亨利六世跪在神殿前,而在威尔顿双联画上,埃德蒙 (Edmund) 是向圣母玛利亚介绍理查二世的三位圣人之一。本文探讨了王室对埃德蒙的忠诚,考察了国王为维持与圣人前辈相关的宗教光环所做的努力。这篇文章考虑了皇室访问伯里圣埃德蒙兹修道院和为纪念这位圣人而赠送礼物的证据。十一世纪以后的统治者崇拜埃德蒙,包括忏悔者爱德华(后来他自己被封为圣徒)。12 和 13 世纪的皇家朝圣结合了参观威斯敏斯特、坎特伯雷、伯里和东安格利亚圣地的神殿。亨利三世为他的第二个儿子命名,以纪念这位圣人。与此同时,埃德蒙的旗帜被举起,并为在战斗中取得成功而献上代祷或感谢的礼物。尽管人们对圣乔治的武术崇拜产生了兴趣,但在十四世纪继续为纪念埃德蒙而进行国王的献礼,这位圣人与其他人一起受到表彰,特别是忏悔者和贝克特。有人认为,这种联合奉献是英格兰国王祈求圣徒的主要方式。圣埃德蒙在国王宗教活动中的重要性将成圣的王权与对一系列圣徒的属性的吸引力联系起来。为纪念埃德蒙而进行的王室捐赠在 14 世纪继续进行,圣人与其他人一起受到尊敬,特别是忏悔者和贝克特。有人认为,这种联合奉献是英格兰国王祈求圣徒的主要方式。圣埃德蒙在国王宗教活动中的重要性将成圣的王权与对一系列圣徒的属性的吸引力联系起来。为纪念埃德蒙而进行的王室捐赠在 14 世纪继续进行,圣人与其他人一起受到尊敬,特别是忏悔者和贝克特。有人认为,这种联合奉献是英格兰国王祈求圣徒的主要方式。圣埃德蒙在国王宗教活动中的重要性将成圣的王权与对一系列圣徒的属性的吸引力联系起来。