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Breton a-marking of (internal) verbal arguments: A result of language contact?
Linguistics ( IF 0.966 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1515/ling-2020-0089
Elisabeth Stark 1 , Paul Widmer 2

Abstract We discuss a potential case of borrowing in this paper: Breton a- ‘of’, ‘from’ marking of (internal) verbal arguments, unique in Insular Celtic languages, and reminiscent of Gallo-Romance de/du- (and en-) arguments. Looking at potential Gallo-Romance parallels of three Middle Breton constructions analyzed in some detail (a with indefinite mass nominals in direct object position, a-marking of internal arguments under the scope of negation, a [allomorphs an(ez)-/ahan-] with personal pronouns for internal arguments, subjects (mainly of predicative constructions) and as expletive subjects of existential constructions), we demonstrate that even if there are some semantic parallels and one strong structural overlap (a and de under the scope of negation), the amount of divergences in morphology, syntax and semantics and the only partially fitting relative chronology of the different constructions do not allow to conclude with certainty that language-contact is an explanation of the Breton facts, which might have come into being also because of internal change (bound to restructuring of the pronominal system in Breton). More research is necessary to complete our knowledge of a-marking in Middle Breton and Modern Breton varieties and on the precise history of French en, in order to decide for one or the other explanation.



摘要我们在本文中讨论了一个潜在的借贷案例:布列塔尼语a-“ of”,(内部)口头辩论的“ from”标记,在凯尔特语中是唯一的,让人联想到Gallo-Romance de / du-(和en- )参数。仔细分析了三个布列塔尼中子结构的潜在Gallo-Romance相似之处(a在物体的直接位置具有不确定的质量标称,在否定范围内的内部论证的a标记,[allomorph an(ez)-/ ahan- ]带有针对内部论点,主语(主要是谓语构造)和作为存在性构造的主语的人称代词),我们证明即使存在一些语义上的相似和一个强烈的结构重叠(a和de在否定范围内),形态上的差异量 语法和语义以及不同结构的唯一部分适合的相对时间顺序,不能肯定地得出结论,语言接触是对不列颠事实的一种解释,这可能也是由于内部变化而产生的(绑定到结构的重组)。布列塔尼语的代词系统)。为了确定我们对其中一种和另一种的解释,有必要进行更多的研究来完善我们对中不列颠和现代不列颠品种中a-标记的了解以及对法语en的确切历史的了解。