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Spirantization in Spanish: The role of the underlying representation
Linguistics ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1515/ling-2019-0035
Sonia Colina 1

Abstract Spirantization is one of the most frequently studied phonological phenomena of Spanish (Barlow, Jessica A. 2003. The stop-spirant alternation in Spanish: Converging evidence for a fortition account. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 22. 51–86; Zampini, Mary. 1994. The role of native language transfer and task formality in the acquisition of Spanish spirantization. Hispania 77. 470–481; among others). For a majority of dialects, Spanish voiced plosives have been traditionally described as having a continuant and a non-continuant realization in complementary distribution (Navarro Tomás, Tomás. 1977. Manual de pronunciación española. 19th edn. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Hualde, José Ignacio. 2005. The sounds of Spanish. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press; among others). Yet, phonetic studies reveal a more complex picture consisting of a great deal of phonetic variability and gradience among continuant realizations (Carrasco, Patricio, José Ignacio Hualde and Miquel Simonet. 2012. Dialectal differences in Spanish voiced obstruent allophony: Costa Rican versus Iberian Spanish. Phonetica 69. 149–179; among others; Simonet, Miquel, José Ignacio Hualde and Mariana Nadeu. 2012. Lenition of/d/in spontaneous Spanish and Catalan. Paper presented at INTERSPEECH) which is not captured by existing generative accounts (Bakovic, Eric. 1997. Strong onsets and Spanish fortition. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 23. 21–39; Harris, James W. 1984. La espirantización en castellano y la representación fonológica autosegmental. Estudis Gramaticals 1.149–67; Hualde, José Ignacio. 1989. Procesos consonánticos y estructuras geométricas en español. Lingüística 1.7–44; Kirchner, Robert. 2001. Phonological contrast and articulatory effort. In Linda Lombardi (ed.), Segmental phonology in Optimality Theory, 79–117. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; among others). Furthermore, most analyses focus almost exclusively on the general distribution of spirantization, excluding other dialectal patterns (Amastae, Jon. 1995. Variable spirantization: Constraint weighting in three dialects. Hispanic Linguistics 6(7). 265–285; among others). The current proposal accounts for the phonetic variability and gradience evinced by phonetic studies, as well as dialectal variation in one optimality theoretic-analysis. Spirantization is explained as the result of effort reduction, rather than the result of assimilation (contra Harris, James W. 1984. La espirantización en castellano y la representación fonológica autosegmental. Estudis Gramaticals 1.149–67; Hualde, José Ignacio. 1989. Procesos consonánticos y estructuras geométricas en español. Lingüística 1.7–44, among others). Phonetic variability in the general dialects is argued to be related to the underlying representation: voiced obstruents are underspecified for continuancy both in the input and the output of the phonology, which explains gradience in implementation and responds to the need to avoid the marked configuration represented by a combination of voicing and maximal stricture found in voiced stops (Colina, Sonia. 2016. On onset clusters in Spanish: Voiced obstruent underspecification and /f/. In Rafael A. Núñez Cedeño (ed.), The syllable and stress: Studies in honor of James W. Harris. Boston, MA: Mouton de Gruyter). Dialectal variation stems from differences in the underlying representation and in the ranking of the constraints. The proposal is also able to explain variations on the two major dialectal patterns.



摘要尖峰化是西班牙语中最常被研究的语音现象之一(Barlow,Jessica A.2003。西班牙语中的“停止-斜体”交替:关于堡垒的融合证据。《西南语言学杂志》 22. 51–86; Zampini,玛丽。 1994.母语迁移和任务形式化在西班牙西班牙语化中的作用(西班牙裔77. 470–481;等等)。在大多数方言中,传统上将西班牙语浊音描述为在补充语料中具有连续和非连续的实现方式(NavarroTomás,Tomás。1977年,Manual depronunciaciónespañola。第19版,马德里:Consejo Superior de InvestigacionesCientíficas; Hualde,JoséIgnacio,2005年,《西班牙语之声》,剑桥和纽约:剑桥大学出版社;等等。然而,西班牙语的过程和结构。Lingüística1.7–44;罗伯特·基希内尔 2001。语音对比和发音方面的努力。在琳达·伦巴第(Linda Lombardi)(主编)中,《最优性理论中的分段音系》,第79–117页。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社;等等。此外,大多数分析几乎都将注意力集中在动词化的总体分布上,不包括其他方言模式(Amastae,Jon。1995年。可变动词化:三种方言的权重加权。西班牙语言学6(7)。265–285;等等)。当前的建议考虑了语音研究中所显示的语音变异性和梯度,以及一项最优性理论分析中的方言变异性。尽力而为被解释为减少努力的结果,而不是被同化的结果(相反,Harris,James W. 1984。Laespirantizaciónen castellano ylapresentaciónfonológicaautosegmental。Estudis Gramaticals 1.149–67; 霍德(Joal Egnagna)1989年。《西班牙空间工程概论》。Lingüística1.7–44,等等。一般方言的语音可变性被认为与基本表达有关:语音障碍物在语音输入和输出方面都没有被指定为连续性,这解释了实现过程中的梯度,并回应了避免由所代表的标记配置的需求。语音停止中发声和最大狭窄的组合(Colina,索尼亚。2016年。西班牙语发作簇:浊音过低和/ f /。在Rafael A.NúñezCedeño(编辑)中,音节和重音:詹姆斯·哈里斯(James W. Harris)的荣誉。方言变化源于基础表示形式和约束等级的差异。该提案还能够解释两种主要方言模式的变化。