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Oblique nominals, a verbal affix and late merge
Linguistics ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1515/ling-2020-0179
Kyumin Kim 1

Abstract The goal of this paper is to address the syntax of certain oblique nominals in Blackfoot (Algonquian) that are introduced by a set of verbal prefixes called linkers. In the literature, an oblique nominal introduced by a verbal affix always shows certain properties of objects, e.g., agreement. This type of affix is analyzed as forming a complex verb with the main verb via head movement, and the oblique nominal is treated as an object of the complex verb. However, this paper demonstrates that oblique nominals introduced by linkers in Blackfoot do not show certain object properties even though the linker looks like it forms a complex verb. Building on the lack of object properties, linker phrases are proposed to be adjuncts. As proposed for adjuncts generally (e.g., Stephanov, Arthur. 2001. Late adjunction and minimalist phrase structure. Syntax 4(2). 94–125), this paper proposes a late merge analysis for linker phrases. Within an Agree-based model (Chomsky, Noam. 2000. Minimalist inquiries: The framework. In Roger Martin, David Michaels & Juan Uriagereka (eds.), Step by step: Essays on minimalist syntax in honor of Howard Lasnik, 89–155. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001. Derivation by phase. In Michael Kenstowicz (ed.), Ken Hale: A life in language, 1–52. Cambridge: The MIT Press) where the derivation proceeds by phases (Chomsky 2008), a linker phrase, as an adjunct, lacks the relevant features to participate in the derivation via Agree, and thus it merges late at the end of a given phasal derivation such as vP. When spell out applies, the linker linearizes with a [V-v] complex in the base position, i.e., vP, giving its surface appearance as a verbal affix. Under this view, a linker does not lead to formation of a complex verb as it does not undergo head movement to the verb, unlike applicative affixes, consistent with the absence of object properties.



摘要本文的目的是解决Blackfoot(Algonquian)中某些倾斜名词的语法,该名词由一组称为链接器的语言前缀引入。在文献中,由语言词缀引入的斜标称总是显示物体的某些属性,例如一致。这种词缀被分析为通过头部移动与主动词形成复杂动词,而斜标称作为复杂动词的宾语。但是,本文证明,连接器在Blackfoot中引入的倾斜名词不显示某些对象属性,即使该连接器看起来像是一个复杂的动词。在缺乏对象属性的基础上,建议将链接器短语用作辅助对象。如一般情况下对辅助词提出的建议(例如Stephanov,Arthur。2001。后期辅助词和极简短语结构。语法4(2)。94–125),本文提出了对链接短语的后期合并分析。在基于协议的模型中(乔姆斯基,诺姆,2000年。极简主义的查询:框架。在罗杰·马丁,戴维·迈克尔斯和胡安·乌里亚吉雷卡(合编)中,循序渐进:为纪念霍华德·拉斯尼克而写的极简语法,89-155 。马萨诸塞州剑桥市:麻省理工学院出版社,2001。分阶段推导。在迈克尔·肯斯托维奇(ed。Michael Kenstowicz)中,肯·黑尔(Ken Hale):1-52语言生活。 )时,链接词组作为辅助词,缺少通过Agree参与派生的相关功能,因此在给定的相位派生(例如vP)结束时合并。应用拼写法时,链接器会在基本位置(vP)处以[Vv]复数线性化,从而使其表面外观为口头缀。在这种观点下,