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Successive Cyclicity in DPs: Evidence from Mongolian Nominalized Clauses
Linguistic Inquiry ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-25 , DOI: 10.1162/ling_a_00373
Athulya Aravind 1

A well-established property of long-distance movement is that it is successive-cyclic: phrasal movement of an XP from its base position to the one where it is pronounced takes place in a series of shorter steps. This punctuated nature of movement is often tied to phasehood. Phases are taken to be special in that they (a) may provide intermediate positions along the path of successive-cyclic movement where moving XPs can stop off and (b) force XPs to land in these positions by virtue of being opaque domains otherwise. By now, there is a growing body of evidence that long-distance movement stops off at the edge of each intervening CP (Henry 1995, McCloskey 2002, Torrego 1984) and vP (Bruening 2001, Rackowski and Richards 2005, Van Urk 2015) (see Citko 2014 for an overview). However, it is debated whether DP, another purported phasal domain, hosts escape hatches and allows intermediate movement through its edge (Bach and Horn 1976, Chomsky 1973, Cinque 1980, Gavruseva 2000, Giorgi and Longobardi 1991, Matushansky 2005, Svenonius 2004, Szabolcsi 1994, Tellier 1991). On the one hand, Complex Noun Phrase Constraint effects as in (1) may be taken to show that DPs lack an escape hatch.



长距离运动的一个公认的特性是它是连续循环的:XP从其基本位置向其发出声音的短语的短语运动通过一系列较短的步骤进行。运动的这种点缀性通常与阶段性有关。阶段被认为是特殊的,因为它们(a)可以沿连续循环运动的路径提供中间位置,在这些位置中移动的XPs可以停止运动,并且(b)由于XPS处于不透明区域,迫使XPs落在这些位置。到目前为止,越来越多的证据表明,长距离运动在每个介入的CP(Henry 1995,McCloskey 2002,Torrego 1984)和vP(Bruening 2001,Rackowski和Richards 2005,Van Urk 2015)的边缘处停止(有关概述,请参见Citko 2014)。但是,关于DP,另一个声称的相位域,宿主逃脱孵化场并允许其边缘进行中间运动(Bach and Horn 1976,Chomsky 1973,Cinque 1980,Gavruseva 2000,Giorgi and Longobardi 1991,Matushansky 2005,Svenonius 2004,Szabolcsi 1994,Tellier 1991)。一方面,可以采用(1)中的复杂名词短语约束效应来表明DP缺少逃生舱口。