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Inhabiting the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Space, Catastrophe and Utopia
Law and Critique ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10978-019-09247-6
Chris Butler

In Robinson in Ruins, the third of Patrick Keiller’s trilogy of fictionalised documentaries concerning the wanderings and speculations of an unseen protagonist, the narrator informs us that Robinson had been reading Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, which ‘locates the origin of twentieth century catastrophe in the development of market society in England’. Polanyi identifies how the self-regulating market is not a naturally emergent social form, but was the product of the active interventions of the state. For Robinson (and for Keiller) the contradictions between displacement and dwelling generated by laissez-faire can be revealed and challenged by an exploration of the relationships between landscape, space and politics. The melancholy tone of this trilogy can also be sensed in one of Henri Lefebvre’s final essays, in which he laments the dissolution of the utopian promise of the urban that he once dramatised through his thesis of the ‘urban revolution’. This article explores the themes that drive Keiller’s approach in the Robinson trilogy and draws out the associations in these works to Lefebvre’s writings on the politics of space, Polanyi’s critique of laissez-faire capitalism, and Walter Benjamin’s response to the historical catastrophe we understand as ‘progress’. I will argue that Keiller’s engagement with the idea of catastrophe, through spatial, social and historical registers, is an attempt to link the material ruins of our present with utopian imaginings of alternative forms of sociality—beyond the conceptual limits of capitalist realism and the catastrophic futures of neoliberal space.



在帕特里克·凯勒 (Patrick Keiller) 的虚构纪录片三部曲的第三部《废墟中的罗宾逊》中,叙述者告诉我们,罗宾逊一直在阅读卡尔·波兰尼 (Karl Polanyi) 的《大转型》(The Great Transformation),其中“将 20 世纪灾难的起源定位在英国市场社会的发展。波兰尼指出,自我调节的市场不是自然出现的社会形式,而是国家积极干预的产物。对于罗宾逊(和凯勒)来说,自由放任所产生的流离失所和居住之间的矛盾可以通过对景观、空间和政治之间关系的探索来揭示和挑战。在亨利·勒斐伏尔 (Henri Lefebvre) 的最后一篇文章中,也可以感受到这部三部曲的忧郁基调,在他的作品中,他对曾经通过他的“城市革命”论文戏剧化的城市乌托邦承诺的瓦解感到遗憾。本文探讨了推动凯勒在罗宾逊三部曲中的方法的主题,并将这些作品与勒斐伏尔关于空间政治的著作、波兰尼对自由放任资本主义的批判以及沃尔特·本雅明对我们理解为“进步'。我将论证,凯勒通过空间、社会和历史记录对灾难观念的参与,是试图将我们现在的物质废墟与对替代社会形式的乌托邦想象联系起来——超越资本主义现实主义和灾难性的概念限制。新自由主义空间的未来。