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Spinoza’s Conception of Personal and Political Change: A Feminist Perspective
Law and Critique ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10978-019-09255-6
Janice Richardson

By focusing upon three figures: a trade unionist, who can no longer understand or reconcile himself with his past misogynist behaviour; Spinoza’s Spanish poet, who loses his memory and can no longer write poetry or even recognise his earlier work; and Spinoza’s lost friend, Burgh, who became a devout Catholic, I draw out Spinoza’s description of radical change in beliefs. I explore how, for Spinoza, radical changes that involve an increase in our powers of acting are conceived differently from those changes that reduce our power. These transitions—which can be viewed as both personal and political—are not symmetrical because of the way in which they can be understood in relation to selfhood. To highlight the originality of Spinoza’s argument on personal change, I then compare it with that of his contemporary John Locke, who in Chapter 27 of the Essay Concerning Human Understanding famously theorises the maintenance of personal identity. I draw out one common aspect of the work of Étienne Balibar and of Janet Coleman to compare the ways in which Spinoza and Locke produce different answers to the same questions: how do we conceptualise our encounters with bodies and with ideas? How do these encounters affect our identity over time? In the final section, I switch from analysing personal (but also political) change to consider political change itself, by juxtaposing Warren Montag’s Spinozist analysis of the will, with Carole Pateman’s feminist critique of contract and consent.



通过关注三个人物:一个工会会员,他无法再理解或接受过去的厌恶女性行为;斯宾诺莎笔下的西班牙诗人,失去记忆,无法再写诗,甚至认不出他的早期作品;和斯宾诺莎失去的朋友伯格成为虔诚的天主教徒,我引出了斯宾诺莎对信仰彻底改变的描述。对于斯宾诺莎,我探讨了如何看待涉及增强我们表演能力的根本性变化与降低我们能力的那些变化。这些转变——可以被视为个人的和政治的——不是对称的,因为它们可以通过与自我相关的方式来理解。为了突出斯宾诺莎关于个人改变的论点的独创性,我将它与他同时代的约翰洛克的论点进行比较,谁在《关于人类理解的论文》第 27 章中著名地提出了维护个人身份的理论。我勾勒出艾蒂安·巴利巴尔和珍妮特·科尔曼作品的一个共同方面,以比较斯宾诺莎和洛克对同一问题的不同答案:我们如何概念化我们与身体和思想的相遇?随着时间的推移,这些遭遇如何影响我们的身份?在最后一部分,我从分析个人(但也包括政治)变化转向考虑政治变化本身,将沃伦·蒙塔格的斯宾诺兹主义的意志分析与卡罗尔·佩特曼对契约和同意的女权主义批判并置。我勾勒出艾蒂安·巴利巴尔和珍妮特·科尔曼作品的一个共同方面,以比较斯宾诺莎和洛克对同一问题的不同答案:我们如何概念化我们与身体和思想的相遇?随着时间的推移,这些遭遇如何影响我们的身份?在最后一部分,我从分析个人(但也包括政治)变化转向考虑政治变化本身,将沃伦·蒙塔格的斯宾诺兹主义的意志分析与卡罗尔·佩特曼对契约和同意的女权主义批判并置。我勾勒出艾蒂安·巴利巴尔和珍妮特·科尔曼作品的一个共同方面,以比较斯宾诺莎和洛克对同一问题的不同答案:我们如何概念化我们与身体和思想的相遇?随着时间的推移,这些遭遇如何影响我们的身份?在最后一部分,我从分析个人(但也包括政治)变化转向考虑政治变化本身,将沃伦·蒙塔格的斯宾诺兹主义的意志分析与卡罗尔·佩特曼对契约和同意的女权主义批判并置。