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Teaching Latin American Migrations Through Theater
Latin American Theatre Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ltr.2016.0061
Amalia Gladhart

The concept of migration offers a useful organizing principle for an introduction to Latin American theatre, as it encompasses multiple theatre styles and practices. Issues of migration are often in the news (in Latin America and beyond), thereby offering a point of entry for students who may not have studied theatre in the past. Migration in its multiple forms (immigration, emigration, exile, return) has a long history in the theatres of the Americas, including not only contemporary plays set on the US-Mexico border, but also Puerto Rican and Argentine theatre from the first half of the twentieth century and recent theatre from Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina. As a liminal space, the stage offers unique possibilities for the representation of migration. Theatre is a privileged space for the consideration of the migrant’s experience of displacement, an intrinsically provisional space, continually redefined. Theatrical techniques used to evoke the displacements of immigration, exile, and return include: narrative and temporal disruption; multiple characters played by a single actor; the mixing of languages, with and without translation; the evocation of the absent or the disappeared; and satirical or grotesque exaggeration.



迁移的概念为介绍拉丁美洲剧院提供了有用的组织原则,因为它涵盖了多种剧院风格和实践。移民问题经常出现在新闻中(在拉丁美洲及其他地区),从而为过去可能没有学习戏剧的学生提供了切入点。多种形式的移民(移民,移民,流亡,回返)在美洲的剧院中有着悠久的历史,不仅包括在美墨边境上的当代戏剧,而且包括上半年的波多黎各人和阿根廷剧院。 20世纪以及厄瓜多尔,智利和阿根廷最近的剧院。作为一个边缘空间,舞台为代表移民提供了独特的可能性。剧院是一个特权空间,可考虑移民的流离失所经历,不断重新定义的内在临时空间。用于引起移民,流放和回返的流放的戏剧技术包括:叙事和时间上的干扰;单个演员扮演的多个角色;语言的混合,有或没有翻译;缺席或失踪的唤起;讽刺或怪诞的夸张。