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Re-Imagining Screen and Stage in a Human Rights-Centered Curriculum
Latin American Theatre Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ltr.2016.0070
Brenda Werth

This essay explores the benefits of teaching and learning Latin American theatre in dialogue with film. Specifically, I discuss the dialogue between documentary modes of performance in the context of interdisciplinary courses on human rights and the arts that I have designed and taught in a Latin American studies program at American University. In my courses, I introduce theatre as a fundamental paradigm for understanding the collective, embodied, and intersubjective formations of human rights movements and action. Recent Latin American documentary theatre and film reveal a rich cross-pollination between genres; plays frequently incorporate documentary film footage, while many documentary films have become more theatrical or performative in nature. In this essay I show how studying documentary Latin American theatre and film in tandem can deepen and enhance an understanding of how these genres shape new modes of self-expression and activism, unsettle divisions between fact and fiction, advance and question existing forms of truth-telling, contribute new archives of knowledge, and engage discourses of memory, history, and human rights. I begin the essay by offering a theoretical framework and pedagogical rationale for learning and teaching documentary theatre in conjunction with documentary film. At the end of the essay, I propose the pairing of two Argentine works—Albertina Carri’s film Los rubios (2003) and Lola Arias’ play Mi vida después (2009)—as a case study for how to approach the joint teaching of documentary film and theatre.



本文探讨了与电影对话中教和学拉丁美洲戏剧的好处。具体来说,我讨论了在美国大学拉丁美洲研究计划中设计和教授的关于人权与艺术的跨学科课程中,纪录片表演模式之间的对话。在我的课程中,我将戏剧作为理解人权运动和行动的集体,具体和主体间形式的基本范例。最近的拉丁美洲纪录片戏剧和电影揭示了流派之间的丰富交融。戏剧经常包含纪录片的镜头,而许多纪录片在本质上已变得更具戏剧性或表演性。在本文中,我将展示如何研究纪录片式拉丁美洲戏剧和电影的一前一后如何加深和增进对这些流派如何塑造自我表达和行动主义的新模式,事实与小说之间不安分的划分,前进和质疑现存真理的形式的了解,讲述,贡献新的知识档案,以及进行关于记忆,历史和人权的讨论。在开始本文时,我将提供一个理论框架和教学原理,用于学习和教学纪录片戏剧以及纪录片。在本文的结尾,我建议将两部阿根廷作品配对-阿尔贝蒂娜·卡里(Albertina Carri)的电影《洛斯·卢比奥斯》(Los rubios,2003年)和洛拉·阿里亚斯(Lola Arias)的戏剧《我的后世》(2009年),作为一个案例研究,探讨如何与纪录片电影联合和剧院。