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Language Learning in Higher Education ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-26 , DOI: 10.1515/cercles-2019-0100
Fiona Dalziel , Francesca Helm

Large numbers of people are constantly forced to leave their homes due to conflict, persecutions, climate change and poverty, and as if that were not enough, they face barriers when seeking to enter European societies so as to start new lives here. In the mainstream media we are used to hearing about opposition to migration and hostility towards refugees and immigrants arriving in Europe. Yet, little is reported about solidarity at a grassroots level on the part of informal networks and collectives – or about people working with refugees within and across higher education institutions. This edition of Language Learning in Higher Education brings together a wide range of contributions which open our eyes to some examples of inclusive pedagogies, reflective practices and concrete actions that we, as language teachers, can engage with. The articles and reports present both top-down institutional projects, which have seen language centres play an important role in facilitating refugees’ access to higher education, and bottom-up initiatives arising from the actions of individual educators but then involving institutions. What all the contributions highlight is the importance of creating networks that can bring together a wide range of actors in the development and growth of such initiatives. Besides single language centres and universities these networks include local, national and international NGOs/charities, municipalities, local businesses, volunteer teachers and, of course, the refugees themselves – those who are directly concerned but whose voices are rarely heard or published. The articles and reports in this special edition have been written by educators working in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. They approach the issue of language education for refugees from a range of perspectives: some focus more on theory, others on practice, some regard the professional development of teachers, others are about the students. What many of the contributions also highlight is that in order for these initiatives to function at an institutional level much more than language education is required – those involved have often had to raise awareness amongst their colleagues and


