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Immanuel Kant: Lezioni sul diritto naturale (Naturrecht Feyerabend). A cura di Norbert Hinske e Gianluca Sadun Bordoni. Milano: Bompiani, 2016. 303 Seiten. ISBN 9788845280924.
Kant-Studien ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-11 , DOI: 10.1515/kant-2018-3006
Stefano Bacin

What makes this Italian edition of the lecture notes known as Naturrecht Feyerabend especially worthwhile is its inclusion of the complete critically revised German text. This edition follows the recent publication, in two instalments of the Kant-Index volume devoted to the Feyerabend notes, of a thoroughly revised version of the text that had originally been edited by Lehmann and which appeared in Volume 27 of the Academy edition.1 Edited by Gianluca Sadun Bordoni and Norbert Hinske, two of the editors of the Kant-Index volume, the Italian volume includes the new critical text (with Academy edition pagination), an Italian translation, a lengthy introduction and extensive notes (both in Italian), and a brief subject index. The editors’ notes to the text (235–282) mainly contain helpful references to parallel remarks in Feyerabend’s notes. The notes to the second part largely consist of references to the appropriate passages in Gottfried Achenwall’s Ius Naturae, which give helpful indications for understanding ambiguous remarks in Feyerabend’s notes. The introduction by Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, in Italian, provides non-specialist readers with the basic information they need to appreciate the significance of a text as problematic yet important as the Naturrecht Feyerabend. The Italian volume lacks the features that make the Kant-Index distinctive – above all, the useful concordances of relevant philo-


伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant):《自然法》(费耶阿本德)。Cura di Norbert Hinske e Gianluca Sadun Bordoni。米兰:蓬皮亚尼,2016. 303页。ISBN 9788845280924。

特别值得一提的是,该意大利语版本的讲义被称为Naturrecht Feyerabend,是因为它包含完整的经过严格修订的德语文本。此版本是在最近出版的,专门用于Feyerabend笔记的《康德索引》两卷中,对本书进行了彻底修订的版本,该版本最初由莱曼(Lehmann)编辑,并出现在学院版第27卷中。1由《康德索引》一书的两位编辑Gianluca Sadun Bordoni和Norbert Hinske撰写,该意大利文包括新的重要文章(带有Academy版的分页),一份意大利语翻译,一本冗长的引言和大量注释(均为意大利语),以及简短的主题索引。文本的编辑注释(235-282)主要包含对Feyerabend注释中的平行注释的有用参考。第二部分的注释主要包括对Gottfried Achenwall的Ius Naturae中适当段落的引用,这些注释为理解Feyerabend注释中的模棱两可的注释提供了有用的指示。Gianluca Sadun Bordoni的意大利语导言向非专业读者提供了他们需要的基本信息,以使他们理解文本的重要性,就像Naturrecht Feyerabend一样有问题但很重要。意大利语版缺少使康德索引与众不同的功能-最重要的是,相关哲学,为非专业读者提供了他们需要的基本信息,以使他们理解文本的重要性,就像自然规律Feyerabend一样有问题但很重要。意大利语版缺少使康德索引与众不同的功能-最重要的是,相关哲学,为非专业读者提供了他们需要的基本信息,以使他们理解文本的重要性,就像自然规律费耶阿本德一样,它既有问题又很重要。意大利语版缺少使康德索引与众不同的功能-最重要的是,相关哲学,