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In the Americas with Agnese Haury: A Remembrance
Journal of the Southwest ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jsw.2017.0020
David A. Yetman

Agnese Haury, philanthropist, humanitarian, and internationalist, was driven by an abiding commitment to social justice and a love of anthropology and archaeology. From the 1950s until her death in 2014 at age ninety, Agnese used her wealth to promote the well-being of the people of the world and support research into the cultures that came before us. Although most of the projects that received her support were U.S.-based, she always kept in mind the broader needs of the planet. I met Agnese in the mid-1980s through a common friend, the late lawyer Clague Van Slyke II. As an attorney, he represented a variety of clients, including some whose interests were affected by the government of Pima County, in which Tucson is located. I was then a member of the Pima County Board of Supervisors. From time to time, Clague would suggest that we have lunch and would invoke pro forma a project of one client or other, mention the client, then move on to more cosmopolitan topics. Clague phoned me one day at my office and said, in his fatherly voice, “David, there is someone you need to meet.” I always interpreted these sorts of Clagueisms as most promising opportunities. I agreed at once. “How about if you join us for our law firm’s annual Christmas dinner at Janos’s restaurant.” That would be difficult to refuse. At the time Janos’s was Tucson’s finest dining place, located in a wing of an old adobe building now occupied by the Tucson Museum of Art. At the dinner, which was rather formal, Clague introduced me to Agnese Haury and seated us next to each other. For the next two hours we talked nonstop, and I realized I had met an extraordinary individual.


与 Agnese Haury 在美洲:回忆

Agnese Haury 是一位慈善家、人道主义者和国际主义者,她始终坚持对社会正义的承诺以及对人类学和考古学的热爱。从 1950 年代到 2014 年去世,享年 90 岁,Agnese 用她的财富来促进世界人民的福祉,并支持对我们之前的文化的研究。尽管获得她支持的大多数项目都以美国为基地,但她始终牢记地球上更广泛的需求。我在 1980 年代中期通过一个共同的朋友,已故的律师 Clague Van Slyke II 认识了 Agnese。作为一名律师,他代表了各种客户,其中一些客户的利益受到图森所在的皮马县政府的影响。当时我是皮马县监事会的成员。时,Clague 会建议我们共进午餐,并会以一个或其他客户的形式调用一个项目,提及该客户,然后转向更国际化的话题。有一天,克拉格在我的办公室打电话给我,用他父亲的声音说:“大卫,你需要见一个人。” 我总是将这些类型的 Clagueisms 解释为最有希望的机会。我立刻同意了。“如果你和我们一起参加我们律师事务所在 Janos 餐厅举行的年度圣诞晚宴怎么样。” 那将很难拒绝。当时,Janos's 是图森最好的餐饮场所,位于现在被图森艺术博物馆占据的一栋古老土坯建筑的一侧。在相当正式的晚宴上,Clague 把我介绍给 Agnese Haury 并让我们坐在一起。在接下来的两个小时里,我们不停地交谈,我意识到我遇到了一个非凡的人。