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The Cop and the Reporter: Art Carrillo Strong and Charles Bowden
Journal of the Southwest ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jsw.2019.0007
Bill Benoit

I was thinking about Arturo Carrillo Strong’s Corrido de Cocaine (1990). I knew Art very well, better than I ever knew Chuck Bowden. Art was not capable of writing the sentences in this book, and when I compared it to Blue Desert, it was very clear to me that Chuck had written most of the book, using material that Art had dug up. I asked Chuck once, point-blank, “Did you write this book?” And he said emphatically, “No, it was Art.” But that was typical of Chuck because he gave credit freely to everybody. He gave money freely to everybody. Anybody that needed it and he thought worthy of some help. I met Art when I worked at City Magazine. I had a crash in my personal life, a financial and emotional crash. Then I ran out of money, period. I was living on Fontana, which is a backwater street down near the Red Dog Saloon, which I discovered after I moved to Fontana. It was a plain little house, but the neighbors were one step out of jail and people would burst into your house while you were sitting on the couch and steal your TV. That happened more than once. So, at one point, I got really sick and tired of being penniless and not having any prospects. I took two part-time jobs. One was with Bookman’s first big shop, on Grant Road, and the other at City Magazine, which was overseen by Chuck Bowden and Dick Vonier— the Tucson Citizen gang that Chuck had worked for. Vonier was the chief editor. I didn’t know Chuck very well but got along with him. They were doing a story on Roy Elson, a political figure who got involved with the mob. He somehow owed the mob money and they threatened to kill him if he didn’t pay them back. Roy had to drop out of sight and City Magazine did a cover story on it written by Chuck. I did the paste-up and so on.


警察和记者:Art Carrillo Strong 和 Charles Bowden

我在想 Arturo Carrillo Strong 的 Corrido de Cocaine (1990)。我对艺术非常了解,比我对查克鲍登的了解还要多。Art 无法写出这本书中的句子,当我将它与 Blue Desert 进行比较时,我很清楚 Chuck 使用了 Art 挖掘的材料编写了这本书的大部分内容。有一次我直截了当地问查克,“这本书是你写的吗?” 他强调说:“不,是艺术。” 但这是查克的典型特征,因为他对每个人都毫不吝啬。他免费给每个人钱。任何需要它并且他认为值得帮助的人。我在 City Magazine 工作时认识了 Art。我的个人生活遭遇了一场崩溃,经济和情感上的崩溃。然后我没钱了,期间。我住在丰塔纳,那是一条死水街道,靠近红狗沙龙,这是我搬到丰塔纳后发现的。那是一栋普通的小房子,但邻居离监狱只有一步之遥,当你坐在沙发上偷电视时,人们就会冲进你的房子。这种情况不止一次发生。所以,在某一时刻,我真的厌倦了身无分文和没有任何前景。我打了两份兼职。一个是布克曼在格兰特路的第一家大商店,另一个在城市杂志,由查克鲍登和迪克沃尼尔监督 - 查克曾为图森公民团伙工作。Vonier 是主编。我不太了解查克,但和他相处得很好。他们正在制作一个关于罗伊埃尔森的故事,他是一名参与暴徒的政治人物。他不知何故欠了暴徒的钱,他们威胁说,如果他不还钱,就杀了他。罗伊不得不从视线中消失,城市杂志做了一个由查克撰写的封面故事。我做了粘贴等等。