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Boris Asafiev in 1948
Journal of the Royal Musical Association ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1080/02690403.2019.1575591
Patrick Zuk

The venerable founder of Soviet musicology Boris Asafiev aroused widespread dismay by his actions in 1948 after the promulgation of a Central Committee resolution condemning the USSR's leading composers: he not only acquiesced in his appointment as chairman of the Composers’ Union, but agreed to give a keynote address endorsing the resolution at its first national congress. His admirers have claimed that he must have been coerced into collaboration and that his address did not reflect his real views. The present essay re-examines the circumstances, arguing that the evidence of Asafiev's willing complicity is overwhelming. A close analysis of his keynote address reveals its contents to be wholly consistent with views that he had regularly expressed throughout his career, as one of the principal progenitors of an anti-modernist, ethnic nationalist and xenophobic strain in Soviet writing on music that was given forceful expression in the 1948 resolution.



1948 年,在中央委员会发布谴责苏联主要作曲家的决议后,苏联音乐学的可敬创始人鲍里斯·阿萨菲耶夫(Boris Asafiev)的行为引起了广泛的震惊:他不仅默许了他被任命为作曲家联盟主席,而且同意给予在第一次全国代表大会上发表支持该决议的主旨演讲。他的仰慕者声称他一定是被强迫合作的,他的讲话并没有反映他的真实观点。本文重新审视了当时的情况,认为阿萨菲耶夫自愿共谋的证据是压倒性的。对他的主题演讲的仔细分析表明,其内容与他在整个职业生涯中经常表达的观点完全一致,作为反现代主义者的主要祖先之一,