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‘Obtained by peculiar favour, & much difficulty of the Singer’: Vincenzo Albrici and the Function of Charles II's Italian Ensemble at the English Restoration Court
Journal of the Royal Musical Association ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-06 , DOI: 10.1080/02690403.2018.1507116
Ester Lebedinski

This article discusses the function of Vincenzo Albrici and Charles II's Italian ensemble at the English Restoration court. The article cites newly discovered archival evidence to suggest that Albrici arrived at the English court in 1664 to become the leader of an exclusive ensemble performing Italian chamber music. The employment of the Italian ensemble imitated Mazarin's patronage of Italian music at the French court, arguably to rehabilitate the recently restored Stuart dynasty in the eyes of Continental courts. The article suggests that the ensemble performed chamber music privately at court, and also occasionally appeared in the queen's Catholic chapel after 1666. The recruitment of Albrici and the Italian ensemble shows that the English court participated in Continental musical fashions after the Restoration, and illustrates the complex webs of cultural exchange in mid-seventeenth-century Europe.


“获得歌手的特殊恩惠和困难重重”:文森佐·阿尔布里奇(Vincenzo Albrici)和查理二世意大利合奏团在英国修复法院的职能

本文讨论了文森佐·阿尔布里奇和查理二世的意大利合奏团在英国复辟宫廷中的作用。文章援引新发现的档案证据表明,阿尔布里奇于 1664 年抵达英国宫廷,成为意大利室内乐独家乐团的领导者。意大利乐团的使用模仿了马萨林在法国宫廷对意大利音乐的赞助,可以说是为了在大陆法院的眼中恢复最近恢复的斯图亚特王朝。文章暗示该乐团私下在宫廷演奏室内乐,并且在 1666 年后也偶尔出现在女王的天主教教堂。Albrici 和意大利乐团的招募表明,英国宫廷​​在维新后参与了欧陆音乐时尚,