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“The Whole Island Seems Changed”: A Bioregional Approach to Kate Chopin’s Fiction
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mml.2016.0019
Jessica Bridget George

This essay offers a bioregional reading of Kate Chopin’s “At the ’Cadian Ball” (1892), “At Chênière Caminada,” (1894), The Awakening (1899), and “The Storm” (1969). These are works that specifically engage with Louisiana’s unique hydrological features. I argue that Chopin’s bioregionalism is a cartographic instrument, charting places otherwise obscured by linear spatiotemporal constructions (including sites made and unmade while characters are at sea or in the time during or after a cyclone). Within these provisional places, Chopin contemplates the contingency of class and racial identity in Louisiana at the end of the nineteenth century. Ultimately, I demonstrate Chopin’s bioregionalism is a reason for reading her fiction ecologically, in a way that attends to the overlapping environments, characters, relations, and worlds in her short stories and longer fiction.



这篇文章提供了对凯特·肖邦的“At the 'Cadian Ball”(1892 年)、“At Chênière Caminada”(1894 年)、The Awakening(1899 年)和“The Storm”(1969 年)的生物区域解读。这些作品专门与路易斯安那州独特的水文特征有关。我认为肖邦的生物区域主义是一种制图工具,绘制出被线性时空结构(包括人物在海上或在飓风期间或之后的时间里创建和未创建的地点)所掩盖的地方。在这些临时场所中,肖邦思考了 19 世纪末路易斯安那州阶级和种族身份的偶然性。最终,我证明肖邦的生物地域主义是从生态角度阅读她的小说的原因,以一种关注重叠环境、人物、关系、