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Among the Disposable: Jack London in the East End of London
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mml.2016.0002
Kevin Swafford

This article analyzes Jack London’s The People of the Abyss (1903) as an ethical and socio-political critique. I make the case that London’s writing is concerned not only with poverty, the urban poor, and the wasting forces of modernity (emblematized in the megalopolis, London), but also with the ideological dimensions of representation and narration. In the book, London assumes the familiar persona of an urban explorer (made popular and adopted by a variety of Victorian journalists and writers) and then systematically defamiliarizes the persona as a role that is played rather than as a subjective actuality. The result is a (meta)discursive and self-relfexive writing style that explores and problematizes the relational dynamics and representations of self and other, subject and object of discourse within and beyond the slums of late-Victorian London.



本文将杰克·伦敦的《深渊人》(1903 年)分析为一种伦理和社会政治批判。我认为伦敦的写作不仅涉及贫困、城市贫民和现代性的浪费(以伦敦大都市为代表),而且还涉及表征和叙述的意识形态维度。在这本书中,伦敦扮演了一个城市探险家的熟悉角色(被各种维多利亚时代的记者和作家所流行和采用),然后系统地将这个角色陌生化为一个扮演的角色,而不是一个主观的现实。结果是一种(元)话语和自我反省的写作风格,探索和问题化自我和他人的关系动态和表现,