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Practices of Intellectual Labor in the Republic of Letters: Leibniz and Edward Bernard on Language and European Origins
Journal of the History of Ideas ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2019.0023
Michael C. Carhart

Abstract:For a project on the origins and migrations of the European nations, Leibniz wanted to see a comparative lexicon purporting to derive the Germanic languages from Asiatic sources. Friends in nearby Gotha were known to have the book; its author had corresponded with Leibniz a few years earlier. But actually getting the book was more difficult than one might expect. In addition to the actual logistics and manners of scholarly communication in the late seventeenth century, this essay shows what scholars were trying to accomplish by establishing the prehistoric origins of the modern nations.



摘要:对于一个关于欧洲国家起源和迁徙的项目,莱布尼茨希望看到一个声称从亚洲来源衍生出日耳曼语言的比较词典。众所周知,附近哥达的朋友有这本书。它的作者几年前曾与莱布尼茨通信。但实际上得到这本书比人们想象的要困难得多。除了 17 世纪后期学术交流的实际物流和方式之外,本文还展示了学者们试图通过建立现代国家的史前起源来实现的目标。