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Defending Political Theory After Burke: Stewart's Intellectual Disciplines and the Demotion of Practice
Journal of the History of Ideas ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2019.0028
Ryan Walter

Abstract:To subject politics to "theory," "metaphysics," or "speculation" was disreputable in 1790s Britain, owing largely to the success of Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), which linked these practices with enthusiasm. This fact is well established, but less studied are the means by which those committed to these forms of inquiry defended their intellectual conduct. Dugald Stewart's Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind (1792) was a pedagogical text that instructed the Scottish elite on how to govern their faculties; it was also a riposte to Burkean prudence, portraying the veneration of practice as theoretically naive.



摘要:将政治置于“理论”、“形而上学”或“投机”之下在 1790 年代的英国是声名狼藉的,这主要是由于埃德蒙·伯克 (Edmund Burke) 的《法国革命反思》(1790) 的成功,将这些实践与热情联系在一起。这个事实是公认的,但研究较少的是那些致力于这些形式的调查的人为他们的智力行为辩护的方式。Dugald Stewart 的《人类思想哲学要素》(1792 年)是一本教科书,指导苏格兰精英如何管理他们的院系;这也是对伯克式谨慎的反击,将实践的崇敬描绘为理论上的幼稚。