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Traveling Anthropophagy: The Depiction of Cannibalism in Modern Travel Writing, Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries
Journal of World History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jwh.2019.0060
José María Hernández Gutiérrez

Abstract:Travel writing had a significant impact on the way cannibalism was to be interpreted and diffused from the sixteenth century onwards. By analyzing how much our current understanding of anthropophagy owes to the discourse of travel writing and the simultaneous interaction between concept and medium, a better understanding of its implications in philosophical, political and scientific discourse can be perceived. It also elaborates on how we built self-identification through the uses of fears and cultural stereotypes. A quick glance at the structure of travel writing helps conceptualize how the encounter with Native Americans by Christopher Columbus transformed the Western perceptions of cannibalism and determined relations with other peoples in the following centuries, from Polynesians to Africans. The repercussions of this dialectical process are still palpable today.


旅行食人:16 至 19 世纪现代旅行写作中对同类相食的描述

摘要:旅行写作对自 16 世纪以来对同类相食的解释和传播方式产生了重大影响。通过分析我们目前对食人论的理解在多大程度上归功于旅行写作的话语以及概念和媒介之间的同步互动,可以更好地理解其在哲学、政治和科学话语中的含义。它还详细说明了我们如何通过使用恐惧和文化刻板印象来建立自我认同。快速浏览一下旅行写作的结构有助于概念化克里斯托弗·哥伦布与美洲原住民的相遇如何改变了西方对同类相食的看法,以及在接下来的几个世纪里,从波利尼西亚人到非洲人与其他民族的确定关系。