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Before ṣūfiyyāt: Female Muslim Renunciants in the 8th and 9th Centuries ce
Journal of Sufi Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-29 , DOI: 10.1163/22105956-12341287
Christopher Melchert 1

Some scholars have attempted to identify a distinctive, feminine spirituality among early Muslim renunciants and Sufis. Studies by Roded, Azad, Dakake, and Silvers are reviewed. Content analysis of Ibn al-Jawzī, Ṣifat al-ṣafwa, suggests that renunciant women and men (of the period before classical Sufism) were remembered for similar devotional activities in similar frequencies. The Damascene Yazīd b. Maysara (fl. earlier 2nd/8th cent.) is quoted as saying, “A reprobate woman is like a thousand reprobate men, while a virtuous woman will be credited with the work of a hundred male saints.” There is no room here to say that collections of renunciant sayings name surprisingly many saintly women, or that the tradition systematically suppressed reports of saintly women from disbelief in female saintliness. On the contrary, saintly women were part of the prevailing ideology.



一些学者试图在早期的穆斯林信奉者和苏非派中确定一种独特的,女性化的灵性。Roded,Azad,Dakake和Silvers的研究得到了审查。Ibnal-Jawzī,Ṣifatal-ṣafwa的内容分析,表明(在经典苏菲派之前的)放弃的男人和女人因相似的奉献活动而以相似的频率被记住。大马士革Yazīdb。引用话语Maysara(fl。2nd / 8th cent。)的话说:“一个pro妓的女人就像一千个re妓的男人,而一个贤惠的女人将被认为是一百位男性圣人的功劳。” 这里没有任何余地可以说,unc弃俗语的集合令人惊讶地提到了许多圣女,或者这一传统系统地压制了关于圣女的报道,使她们不再怀疑女圣人。相反,圣女是主流意识形态的一部分。
