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Introduction: JSL Silver Anniversary Issue
Journal of Slavic Linguistics ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jsl.2017.0007
Stephen M. Dickey

This issue of Journal of Slavic Linguistics celebrates its Silver Anniversary. Yes, though you may not have noticed (time flies when you are having fun), JSL has now been appearing uninterrupted for 25 years. When it gets down to it, for an academic journal the cliché is truth—survival is success. And for a new journal to have survived for the past 25 years is no small feat. The time of JSL’s existence since volume 1, issue 1, in 1993 has spanned many changes, including that from a fairly pre-digital age to our hyper-digital one (here I would point out that early on one article by a respected Slavist was submitted in handwritten form), as well as the transition from the academic (and Slavistic) structures of the Cold-War era to a new age, and numerous changes in the field of linguistics (such as the ascendance of usage-based and sociological approaches to language and quantitative methods alongside formal approaches). These changes, in one way or another, are reflected in the pages of JSL. JSL was established by George Fowler and Steven Franks at Indiana University in 1992 to fill a gap—there was no journal dedicated to Slavic linguistics as a whole in North America. Since its inception, JSL has assumed a prominent position in the international Slavic linguistics community, and in 2006 became the flagship publication of the Slavic Linguistics Society. Beyond the changes in the world at large mentioned above, the inevitable impermanency of organization also complicates the continuity of any journal, and in this regard JSL has shown the necessary flexibility, responding to the need for personnel changes along the way. The editorial team of George Fowler and Steven Franks was changed in 1994; George Fowler became Editor-in-Chief with a team of three associate editors, and then in 1997 Steven Franks took over and has remained Editor-in-Chief to date. The first three volumes of JSL were published by the Indiana University Linguistics Club, then it was published independently until being adopted by Slavica Publishers starting with volume 5, issue 2. It would take too much space to acknowledge all those who have otherwise assisted and aided in the publication of JSL; however, we should gratefully acknowledge Rosemarie Connolly’s service as Managing Editor over the past ten years. Anyone who has been


简介:JSL Silver 周年纪念版

本期《斯拉夫语言学杂志》庆祝其银禧年。是的,尽管您可能没有注意到(当您玩得开心时,时间过得飞快),JSL 现在已经不间断地出现了 25 年。归根结底,对于学术期刊来说,陈词滥调就是真理——生存就是成功。而对于一个新的期刊来说,能在过去 25 年中幸存下来是不小的壮举。自 1993 年第 1 卷第 1 期以来,JSL 存在的时间跨越了许多变化,包括从相当前数字时代到我们的超数字时代(在这里我要指出,一位受人尊敬的斯拉夫主义者在一篇文章的早期是以手写形式提交),以及从冷战时代的学术(和斯拉夫)结构向新时代的过渡,以及语言学领域的许多变化(例如基于用法和社会学的语言方法和定量方法以及正式方法的兴起)。这些变化以一种或另一种方式反映在 JSL 的页面中。JSL 由 George Fowler 和 Steven Franks 在 1992 年在印第安纳大学成立,以填补一个空白——北美没有专门针对整个斯拉夫语言学的期刊。自创刊以来,JSL 在国际斯拉夫语言学界占有突出地位,并于 2006 年成为斯拉夫语言学学会的旗舰刊物。除了上面提到的整个世界的变化之外,组织不可避免的无常性也使任何期刊的连续性变得复杂,在这方面 JSL 表现出了必要的灵活性,在此过程中响应人事变动的需要。George Fowler 和 Steven Franks 的编辑团队在 1994 年发生了变化;乔治·福勒 (George Fowler) 成为主编,其团队由三名副主编组成,然后在 1997 年史蒂文·弗兰克斯 (Steven Franks) 接任并一直担任主编至今。JSL 的前三卷由印第安纳大学语言学俱乐部出版,然后独立出版,直到被斯拉维卡出版社从第 5 卷第 2 期开始采用。感谢所有提供其他帮助和帮助的人会占用太多空间在 JSL 的出版物中;然而,我们应该感谢罗斯玛丽·康诺利 (Rosemarie Connolly) 在过去十年中担任总编辑的服务。任何经历过的人 乔治·福勒 (George Fowler) 成为主编,其团队由三名副主编组成,然后在 1997 年史蒂文·弗兰克斯 (Steven Franks) 接任并一直担任主编至今。JSL 的前三卷由印第安纳大学语言学俱乐部出版,然后独立出版,直到被斯拉维卡出版社从第 5 卷第 2 期开始采用。感谢所有提供其他帮助和帮助的人会占用太多空间在 JSL 的出版物中;然而,我们应该感谢罗斯玛丽·康诺利 (Rosemarie Connolly) 在过去十年中担任总编辑的服务。任何经历过的人 乔治·福勒 (George Fowler) 成为主编,其团队由三名副主编组成,然后在 1997 年史蒂文·弗兰克斯 (Steven Franks) 接任并一直担任主编至今。JSL 的前三卷由印第安纳大学语言学俱乐部出版,然后独立出版,直到被斯拉维卡出版社从第 5 卷第 2 期开始采用。感谢所有提供其他帮助和帮助的人会占用太多空间在 JSL 的出版物中;然而,我们应该感谢罗斯玛丽·康诺利 (Rosemarie Connolly) 在过去十年中担任总编辑的服务。任何经历过的人 JSL 的前三卷由印第安纳大学语言学俱乐部出版,然后独立出版,直到被斯拉维卡出版社从第 5 卷第 2 期开始采用。感谢所有提供其他帮助和帮助的人会占用太多空间在 JSL 的出版物中;然而,我们应该感谢罗斯玛丽·康诺利 (Rosemarie Connolly) 在过去十年中担任总编辑的服务。任何经历过的人 JSL 的前三卷由印第安纳大学语言学俱乐部出版,然后独立出版,直到被斯拉维卡出版社从第 5 卷第 2 期开始采用。感谢所有提供其他帮助和帮助的人会占用太多空间在 JSL 的出版物中;然而,我们应该感谢罗斯玛丽·康诺利 (Rosemarie Connolly) 在过去十年中担任总编辑的服务。任何经历过的人