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Discreet Proto‐Pentecostals: The Catholic Apostolic Church in North America
Journal of Religious History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-16 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9809.12601
Peter Elliott

Much recent work has been undertaken on the beginnings of Pentecostalism in North America, and its antecedents in the nineteenth century. These efforts have outlined the theological contributions of the Holiness movement, revivalism, and nineteenth‐century healing movements. One group that has been largely overlooked is the Edward Irving influenced Catholic Apostolic Church, which has been seen as making a minimal contribution as a precursor to Pentecostalism in general; it has especially been seen as peripheral in the Americas. This article will use contemporary newspapers and recently digitised primary sources to argue that the Catholic Apostolic Church was a significant force in the pre‐history of American and Canadian Pentecostalism, with hundreds of followers in key cities, regularly exhibiting prophecy and glossolalia throughout the second half of the nineteenth century.



最近的许多工作都是关于北美五旬节派的起源及其在 19 世纪的前身。这些努力概述了圣洁运动、复兴主义和 19 世纪治愈运动的神学贡献。一个在很大程度上被忽视的群体是受爱德华欧文影响的天主教使徒教会,它被视为对五旬节派的先驱贡献微乎其微;它在美洲尤其被视为外围。本文将使用当代报纸和最近数字化的主要来源来论证天主教使徒教会是美国和加拿大五旬节派史前的一支重要力量,在主要城市有数百名追随者,