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Friends Farm: Australia’s First Quaker Commune
Journal of Religious History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9809.12445
William J. Metcalf

Australia has a long and rich history of religious groups trying to establish some sort of utopia by removing themselves from urban centres to rural idylls. The first of these was H errnhut, in western Victoria (1853–1889), and today there are many such as D anthonia B ruderhof and N ew G ovardhana, in NSW, C henrezig, in Queensland and R ocky C ape H utterites in Tasmania. While Quakers in the UK and USA have a tradition of forming rural communes starting from the seventeenth century, the first, and most important of such in Australia was F riends F arm, established in 1869 on what is now Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. This group was led by the charismatic Alfred Allen, a radical Quaker from Sydney. He believed that he had been reborn, held Christ within him, and had achieved sin-free perfection. He was disowned, twice, by Sydney Quakers after when he led his small band of would-be communards to the “wilderness” of Queensland where they sought to create a perfect society. Not surprisingly, it did not quite work out that way.


Friends Farm:澳大利亚第一个贵格会公社

澳大利亚有着悠久而丰富的历史,宗教团体试图通过将自己从城市中心转移到乡村田园诗中来建立某种乌托邦。其中第一个是维多利亚州西部的 H errnhut(1853-1889 年),如今还有许多,例如新南威尔士州的 D anthonia B ruderhof 和 New G ovardhana,昆士兰州的 C henrezig 和 Rocky C ape H utterites塔斯马尼亚。虽然英国和美国的贵格会从 17 世纪开始就有形成农村公社的传统,但澳大利亚第一个也是最重要的这样的传统是 F riends F arm,它成立于 1869 年,位于现在的昆士兰阳光海岸。这个团体由来自悉尼的激进贵格会教徒、魅力非凡的阿尔弗雷德·艾伦领导。他相信他已经重生,在他里面拥有基督,并达到了无罪的完美。他两次被否认,由悉尼贵格会 (Sydney Quakers) 在他带领他的一小群想成为公社的人前往昆士兰的“荒野”之后,在那里他们寻求创造一个完美的社会。毫不奇怪,它并没有完全这样。