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Four Decades of “Discreet” Charismata: The Catholic Apostolic Church in Australia 1863-1900
Journal of Religious History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9809.12446
Peter Elliott

For some years, the historiography of Australian Pentecostalism has been dominated by the belief that Pentecostalism came to Australia in 1909 through the agency of Sarah Jane Lancaster who had, in turn, been influenced by news of overseas events. There had, apparently, been little or no influence in the Australian context by such groups as the Catholic Apostolic Church, which formed in Britain in 1835, in the wake of Edward Irving's proto-Pentecostal theology. Although members of the Catholic Apostolic Church arrived in Melbourne in the 1850s, the general view was that they had by then abandoned their earlier pursuit of the charismata. In 2012, I argued (based on a limited sample of evidence) that the adherents of the Catholic Apostolic Church in Australia both taught and practised the charismata throughout the second half of the nineteenth century. This evidence is contained in the Angels’ Report Books, located in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Since then, the Bradford collection has been fully digitised, thereby allowing a comprehensive review of the Catholic Apostolic Church's charismatic activity and further evaluation of the Lancaster hypothesis. The significance of this research is that it allows a considerable re-framing of the pre-history of Australian Pentecostalism, demonstrating that the Catholic Apostolic Church taught and practised glossolalia, prophecy and divine healing through the last four decades of the nineteenth century.


四个十年的“谨慎”魅力:1863-1900 年澳大利亚的天主教使徒教会

多年来,澳大利亚五旬节派的历史编纂一直被认为是五旬节派于 1909 年通过莎拉·简·兰卡斯特(Sarah Jane Lancaster)的代理来到澳大利亚的,而莎拉·简·兰卡斯特(Sarah Jane Lancaster)反过来又受到海外事件新闻的影响。显然,在爱德华·欧文 (Edward Irving) 的原始五旬节神学之后,1835 年在英国成立的天主教使徒教会等团体在澳大利亚的背景下几乎没有或根本没有影响。尽管天主教使徒教会的成员在 1850 年代抵达墨尔本,但普遍的看法是,他们那时已经放弃了早先对超凡魅力的追求。在2012年,我认为(基于有限的证据样本)澳大利亚天主教使徒教会的信徒在整个 19 世纪下半叶都教授和实践了超凡魅力。该证据包含在位于西约克郡布拉德福德的天使报告书中。从那时起,布拉德福德藏品已完全数字化,从而可以全面审查天主教使徒教会的超凡魅力活动,并进一步评估兰开斯特假说。这项研究的意义在于,它允许对澳大利亚五旬节主义的史前史进行相当大的重新构建,表明天主教使徒教会在 19 世纪的最后四个十年中教授和实践了方言、预言和神圣医治。该证据包含在位于西约克郡布拉德福德的天使报告书中。从那时起,布拉德福德的藏品被完全数字化,从而可以全面审查天主教使徒教会的魅力活动,并进一步评估兰开斯特假说。这项研究的意义在于,它允许对澳大利亚五旬节主义的史前史进行相当大的重新构建,表明天主教使徒教会在 19 世纪的最后四个十年中教授和实践了方言、预言和神圣医治。该证据包含在位于西约克郡布拉德福德的天使报告书中。从那时起,布拉德福德藏品已完全数字化,从而可以全面审查天主教使徒教会的超凡魅力活动,并进一步评估兰开斯特假说。这项研究的意义在于,它允许对澳大利亚五旬节主义的史前史进行相当大的重新构建,表明天主教使徒教会在 19 世纪的最后四个十年中教授和实践了方言、预言和神圣医治。s 魅力活动和对兰开斯特假说的进一步评估。这项研究的意义在于,它允许对澳大利亚五旬节主义的史前史进行相当大的重新构建,表明天主教使徒教会在 19 世纪的最后四个十年中教授和实践了方言、预言和神圣医治。s 魅力活动和对兰开斯特假说的进一步评估。这项研究的意义在于,它允许对澳大利亚五旬节主义的史前史进行相当大的重新构建,表明天主教使徒教会在 19 世纪的最后四个十年中教授和实践了方言、预言和神圣医治。