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Coffee Colored Calvinists
Journal of Reformed Theology ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/15697312-01101024
Hans van der Jagt 1

This article aims to discuss neo-Calvinist perspectives on race in the Dutch Colonial Empire. How did the colonial racial practice affect the Dutch neo-Calvinist perspectives on race? This article is based on new research: an analysis of a race-debate among neo-Calvinist church leaders in the Netherlands and colonial Indonesia. It is a debate which took place in the Dutch Christian weekly De Heraut in 1893 and 1894 and focused primarily on the practice of racial separation in the reformed church of Batavia. This article will describe, analyze and criticize this debate and bring it into context by making use of a model for racial categorization proposed by the Dutch scholar Dienke Hondius. In the end, it argues that the main argument of the neo-Calvinists for defending a separation policy was based on a linguistic, societal and cultural distinction. The neo-Calvinists however, ignored their own racial prejudice and preserved their church-practice of racial disjunction.



本文旨在讨论新加尔文主义对荷兰殖民帝国种族的看法。殖民种族实践如何影响荷兰新加尔文主义对种族的看法?本文基于新研究:对荷兰和殖民地印度尼西亚的新加尔文主义教会领袖之间的种族辩论的分析。这是 1893 年和 1894 年在荷兰基督教周刊 De Heraut 上发生的一场辩论,主要集中在改革后的巴达维亚教会的种族分离做法。本文将利用荷兰学者迪恩克·洪迪乌斯 (Dienke Hondius) 提出的种族分类模型来描述、分析和批评这场辩论,并将其纳入背景。最后,它认为新加尔文主义者捍卫分离政策的主要论点是基于语言、社会和文化的区别。