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Defining “Our Theology”
Journal of Reformed Theology ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/15697312-01004015
Stephen Tipton 1

This essay discusses the archetypal/ectypal distinction set forth by Amandus Polanus (1561–1610) within his definition of true theology ( theologia vera ) in his Syntagma theologiae Christianae . In that work, Polanus demonstrates that defining theology is the fundamental task of a theologian. To arrive at his definition of theology, Polanus draws together the in se/in nobis distinction of John Duns Scotus and the archetypal/ectypal distinction of Fransciscus Junius in De verae theologiae . The result is a theology that is communicated from God, by a gracious revelation, to his rational creatures. Through his use of these distinctions, Polanus demonstrates both continuity and discontinuity with contemporary and Medieval scholastic thought on this very important issue. As well, he grounds the whole of the Syntagma as an exercise of Christian piety that seeks to be both speculative (in the sense that it looks to Scripture) and practical.



本文讨论了阿曼杜斯·波拉努斯(Amandus Polanus,1561-1610)在他的 Syntagma theologiae Christianae 中对真正神学(theologia vera)的定义中提出的原型/异类区分。在这项工作中,波兰努斯证明定义神学是神学家的基本任务。为了得出他对神学的定义,波兰努斯将约翰·邓斯·司各脱 (John Duns Scotus) 的 in se/in nobis 区别与 De verae theologiae 中 Fransciscus Junius 的原型/异形区别结合在一起。结果是一种神学,通过恩典的启示从上帝传达给他理性的受造物。通过使用这些区别,波兰努斯在这个非常重要的问题上展示了当代和中世纪经院思想的连续性和不连续性。同样,