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A Novel Graphic Medicine Curriculum for Resident Physicians: Boosting Empathy and Communication through Comics
Journal of Medical Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10912-020-09654-2
Lara K. Ronan , M. K. Czerwiec

Curricular design that addresses residency physician competencies in communication skills and professionalism remains a challenge. Graphic Medicine (GM) uses comics, a medium combining text and images, to communicate healthcare concepts. Narrative Medicine, in undergraduate medical education, has limited reported usage in Graduate Medical Education (GME). Given the time constraints and intensity of GME, we hypothesized that comics as a form of narrative medicine would be an efficient medium to engage residents.The authors created a novel curriculum to promote effective communication and professionalism, focusing on empathy, compassion and cultural competency. A four-week curriculum was delivered in a neurology residency program. Excerpts from non-fiction graphic memoirs about neurological conditions were read, discussed, and paired with prompt-driven drawing exercises. Qualitative surveys were used to assess acceptability of comics, usefulness of comics to convey patient illness experience, and perception of patient needs for physician-patient communication.Ninety-seven percent of residents reported the sessions were a good use of their time. Residents identified new symptoms of neurologic disorders, articulated patient communication needs, and expressed increased empathy after participation. Residents participated in drawing exercises, but these were not formally analyzed. Graphic medicine is a well received format that may build communication skills and increase empathy.



解决住院医师在沟通技巧和专业素养方面的能力的课程设计仍然是一个挑战。Graphic Medicine (GM) 使用漫画(一种结合文本和图像的媒介)来传达医疗保健概念。本科医学教育中的叙事医学在研究生医学教育 (GME) 中的报告使用有限。鉴于 GME 的时间限制和强度,我们假设漫画作为一种叙事医学形式将成为吸引居民的有效媒介。作者创建了一个新颖的课程,以促进有效的沟通和专业精神,专注于同理心、同情心和文化能力。在神经病学住院医师计划中提供了为期四个星期的课程。阅读、讨论了非虚构图形回忆录中关于神经系统疾病的摘录,并与提示驱动的绘图练习配对。定性调查用于评估漫画的可接受性、漫画传达患者疾病体验的有用性以及对医患沟通的患者需求的看法。97% 的居民报告说这些会议很好地利用了他们的时间。居民发现了神经系统疾病的新症状,阐明了患者的沟通需求,并在参与后表达了更多的同理心。居民参加了绘画练习,但这些都没有得到正式的分析。图形医学是一种广受欢迎的形式,可以培养沟通技巧并增加同理心。以及对医患沟通的患者需求的感知。97% 的居民报告说,这些会议很好地利用了他们的时间。居民发现了神经系统疾病的新症状,阐明了患者的沟通需求,并在参与后表达了更多的同理心。居民参加了绘画练习,但这些都没有得到正式的分析。图形医学是一种广受欢迎的形式,可以培养沟通技巧并增加同理心。以及对医患沟通的患者需求的感知。97% 的居民报告说,这些会议很好地利用了他们的时间。居民发现了神经系统疾病的新症状,阐明了患者的沟通需求,并在参与后表达了更多的同理心。居民参加了绘画练习,但这些都没有得到正式的分析。图形医学是一种广受欢迎的形式,可以培养沟通技巧并增加同理心。