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The Tsar’s doctor: The selfless and devoted life of Dr Eugene Botkin
Journal of Medical Biography ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-28 , DOI: 10.1177/0967772020935021
Rafael E Jimenez 1

Eugene Botkin was Nicholas II's court physician from 1908 until the abolition of the monarchy. He accompanied the royal family into exile and shared their fate at Ekaterinburg in 1918. The son of a prominent St. Petersburg physician, he trained at the Universities of St. Petersburg, Berlin, and Heidelberg. As court physician, he participated in the management of the Tsarevich Alexei's hemophilia, but most of his time was spent taking care of the Tsarina's multiple psychosomatic ailments. A deep sense of duty, rendered him unable to part from the royal family during the difficult months of exile and imprisonment. During this period there were several episodes of imminent threat to his life, where despite having the opportunity to leave, he voluntarily decided to stay with the Romanovs. In up to three occasions he said his goodbyes to his children, only to find out the next day that the threat had been contained. Ironically, the last time he spoke to them he did not think they would be separated for long. In this study, we will analyze his life, in particular the events of his last days, and will explore the reasoning behind his selfless actions.



尤金·博特金 (Eugene Botkin) 是尼古拉斯二世 (Nicholas II) 从 1908 年到废除君主制的宫廷医生。1918 年,他陪同王室流亡,并在叶卡捷琳堡分享了他们的命运。他是圣彼得堡一位著名医生的儿子,曾在圣彼得堡大学、柏林大学和海德堡大学接受培训。作为宫廷医师,他参与了沙皇阿列克谢血友病的治疗,但大部分时间都花在了治疗沙皇的多种身心疾病上。深深的责任感使他在流放和监禁的艰难几个月中无法脱离王室。在此期间,他的生命受到了几场迫在眉睫的威胁,尽管有机会离开,他还是自愿决定留在罗曼诺夫家族。在多达 3 次的场合中,他向他的孩子们道别,但第二天才发现威胁已被遏制。具有讽刺意味的是,上次他和他们说话时,他认为他们不会分开太久。在这项研究中,我们将分析他的生活,特别是他最后的日子,并探讨他无私行为背后的原因。