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Caroline Hampton Halsted and the origin of surgical gloves
Journal of Medical Biography ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0967772019869167
Kevin Paul Lee 1

The first rudimentary medical gloves were made in 1758 from the cecum of a sheep. The gloves were used by a German physician, Johann Walbaum, for gynecological examinations and deliveries. Clumsy rubber gloves were worn by pathologists for post-mortem examinations in the 1840s. The gloves were thick and difficult to work with. Then in 1844, Charles Goodyear revolutionized the rubber industry by discovering the vulcanization process for rubber. This process allowed rubber to withstand temperature extremes which led to the production of a more pliable and thinner glove that still maintained its strength. Vulcanization laid the foundation for the development of medical gloves to become the gloves that we use now. However, surgeons did not wear gloves while performing operations until the end of the 19th century. Surgeons carried out operations with their bare hands wearing filthy smocks that were stained with dried blood and pus. It is not surprising that operations carried a high rate of infection and the post-operative mortality due to sepsis was tremendous. It was not until 1890 that the surgical glove, as we know it today, would be introduced into the operating room by Caroline Hampton and William Halsted. Caroline Hampton was born as the youngest of four children to a prominent Southern family on 20 November 1861 near Columbia, South Carolina. She was only a year old when her mother died of tuberculosis and her father was killed in the Battle of Brandy Station in Virginia. Caroline’s father, Frank, was the youngest brother of Confederate General Wade Hampton III who later became the governor of South Carolina and a US Senator. She was raised by her three aunts. In 1885, against her family’s wishes, Caroline pursued nursing in New York City, graduating from New York Hospital in 1888. She moved to Baltimore in 1889 to become the chief nurse of William Halsted’s operating room at Johns Hopkins Hospital (Figure 1). William Halsted was born in New York on 23 September 1852. In the United States, he is known as the father of modern surgery. His many contributions include the institution of formal residency training still in use today which was based on the European method of training he encountered on his educational travels. He also contributed to the development of new surgical techniques to treat breast cancer and to the advancement of safer operations by emphasizing careful handling of tissues. Dr Halsted would later become the Chief of Operation at Johns Hopkins Hospital. At Johns Hopkins Hospital, Caroline was the head nurse of the surgical division and Halsted’s scrub nurse. As a child, Caroline had to wear gloves while gardening to protect her sensitive hands. As Halsted’s scrub nurse, her contact dermatitis returned. The scrubbing process was a very demanding procedure that was harsh on the skin. After washing with soap, the hands and arms were placed in a potassium permanganate solution followed by a hot oxalic acid solution. Then the hands were washed with mercury bichloride. Caroline developed severe contact dermatitis caused by these disinfectants. Since Halsted considered Caroline an ‘‘unusually efficient woman,’’ he took special interest in her and wanted to help with her hand dermatitis problem. Therefore, around the winter of 1889 or 1890, he arranged for the Goodyear Rubber Company to make two pairs of thin rubber gloves with gauntlets. These were made to fit plaster casts of her hands. The rubber gloves proved to be so effective that more gloves were ordered. Other assistants started wearing gloves also and became so used to wearing gloves that eventually, they felt more comfortable operating with gloves than with their bare hands. Caroline and Halsted married on 4 June 1890 at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbia, SC. However, even after the surgical gloves were introduced into the operating room, routine use of gloves did not occur for the next seven years. Initially, assistants who passed instruments wore gloves to protect themselves from the carbolic acid used to wash the instruments, but surgeons rarely wore them.


Caroline Hampton Halsted 和手术手套的起源

第一个基本的医用手套是在 1758 年用羊的盲肠制成的。德国医生 Johann Walbaum 使用这些手套进行妇科检查和分娩。1840 年代,病理学家戴上笨拙的橡胶手套进行验尸检查。手套很厚,很难操作。然后在 1844 年,查尔斯·古德伊尔发现橡胶的硫化工艺,彻底改变了橡胶工业。这一过程使橡胶能够承受极端温度,从而生产出更柔韧、更薄但仍保持其强度的手套。硫化奠定了医用手套发展成为我们现在使用的手套的基础。然而,直到 19 世纪末,外科医生在进行手术时才戴手套。外科医生们穿着沾满干血和脓液的脏工作服,赤手空拳地进行手术。手术的感染率很高,并且由于败血症导致的术后死亡率非常高,这并不奇怪。直到 1890 年,Caroline Hampton 和 William Halsted 才将我们今天所知的手术手套引入手术室。卡罗琳·汉普顿 (Caroline Hampton) 于 1861 年 11 月 20 日出生在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚附近的一个著名南方家庭,是四个孩子中最小的一个。当她的母亲死于肺结核,她的父亲在弗吉尼亚的白兰地战役中阵亡时,她只有一岁。卡罗琳的父亲弗兰克是南方邦联将军韦德汉普顿三世最小的兄弟,后者后来成为南卡罗来纳州州长和美国参议员。她是由她的三个阿姨抚养长大的。1885 年,卡罗琳违背家人的意愿,前往纽约市从事护理工作,1888 年从纽约医院毕业。她于 1889 年搬到巴尔的摩,成为约翰霍普金斯医院 William Halsted 手术室的首席护士(图 1)。威廉·霍尔斯特德于 1852 年 9 月 23 日出生于纽约。在美国,他被称为现代外科之父。他的许多贡献包括今天仍在使用的正式居住培训机构,该机构基于他在教育旅行中遇到的欧洲培训方法。他还通过强调小心处理组织,促进了治疗乳腺癌的新手术技术的发展,并促进了更安全的手术。Halsted 博士后来成为约翰霍普金斯医院的手术主任。在约翰霍普金斯医院,卡罗琳是外科部门的护士长和霍尔斯特德的洗护护士。小时候,卡罗琳在园艺时不得不戴手套来保护她敏感的手。作为 Halsted 的擦洗护士,她的接触性皮炎又复发了。擦洗过程是一个非常苛刻的过程,对皮肤很刺激。用肥皂清洗后,将手和手臂放入高锰酸钾溶液中,然后放入热草酸溶液中。然后用二氯化汞洗手。Caroline 因这些消毒剂而患上了严重的接触性皮炎。由于 Halsted 认为 Caroline 是一位“异常高效的女性”,因此他对她特别感兴趣,并希望帮助她解决手部皮炎问题。所以,大约在 1889 年或 1890 年冬天,他安排固特异橡胶公司制作了两双带护手的薄橡胶手套。这些是为了适合她手的石膏模型。事实证明,橡胶手套非常有效,以至于订购了更多的手套。其他助理也开始戴手套,并逐渐习惯戴手套,最终,他们觉得戴手套操作比裸手更舒服。卡罗琳和霍尔斯特德于 1890 年 6 月 4 日在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的三一主教教堂结婚。然而,即使将手术手套引入手术室后,在接下来的七年里也没有出现常规使用手套的情况。最初,通过仪器的助手戴着手套以保护自己免受用于清洗仪器的石炭酸的伤害,但外科医生很少戴手套。他安排固特异橡胶公司制作了两副带护手的薄橡胶手套。这些是为了适合她手的石膏模型。事实证明,橡胶手套非常有效,以至于订购了更多的手套。其他助理也开始戴手套,并逐渐习惯戴手套,最终,他们觉得戴手套操作比裸手更舒服。卡罗琳和霍尔斯特德于 1890 年 6 月 4 日在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的三一主教教堂结婚。然而,即使将手术手套引入手术室后,在接下来的七年里也没有出现常规使用手套的情况。最初,通过仪器的助手戴着手套以保护自己免受用于清洗仪器的石炭酸的伤害,但外科医生很少戴手套。他安排固特异橡胶公司制作了两副带护手的薄橡胶手套。这些是为了适合她手的石膏模型。事实证明,橡胶手套非常有效,以至于订购了更多的手套。其他助理也开始戴手套,并逐渐习惯戴手套,最终,他们觉得戴手套操作比裸手更舒服。卡罗琳和霍尔斯特德于 1890 年 6 月 4 日在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的三一主教教堂结婚。然而,即使将手术手套引入手术室后,在接下来的七年里也没有出现常规使用手套的情况。最初,通过仪器的助手戴着手套以保护自己免受用于清洗仪器的石炭酸的伤害,但外科医生很少戴手套。