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Chinul’s Empty and Quiescent Spiritual Knowing (kongjŏk yŏngji 空寂靈知) and Ignatius of Loyola’s Indifference and Discernment of Spirits
Journal of Korean Religions ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2019.0010
Yon-dahm Kwon

Abstract:To favor a better understanding between Buddhists and Christians in Korea and beyond, this essay makes a functional comparison between Chinul’s 知訥 (1158–1210) concept of “empty and quiescent spiritual knowing” (kongjŏk yŏngji 空寂靈知) and Ignatius of Loyola’s (1491–1556) “indifference and discernment of spirits.” Both Chinul and Ignatius have set at the beginning of the spiritual journey a fundamental experience that pervades it thoroughly to its end: Chinul’s initial sudden awakening (tono 頓悟), which underlies gradual practice (chŏmsu 漸修) until one’s final awakening (chŭngo 證悟); and Ignatius’ principle and foundation, which underpins the process allowing one to enter in full union and/or communion with God. For Chinul, when through flawless detachment, one’s mind essence and function reach a point of complete harmony, one achieves perfect empty quiescent spiritual knowing. For Ignatius, when through perfect indifference one’s will becomes one with God’s, one can discern His will without fail. Such uninterrupted empty quiescent spiritual knowing and continuous indifference and discernment represent ultimate realization in Chinul’s and Ignatius’ respective thought. According to this functional comparison, just as the experience of quiescent emptiness allows one to see Buddha-nature in one’s mind, the experience of the Spirit allows one to see God dwelling in oneself. It is, indeed, on the basis of these awakening experiences to quiescent emptiness on the one hand, and to God’s presence on the other, that God and/or quiescent emptiness work in or through human mind-nature, thus allowing the making of right discernments leading to right thoughts, words, and actions.


Chinul的空寂灵知(kongjŏk yŏngji 空寂灵知)和Ignatius of Loyola的冷漠与明辨

摘要:为了更好地理解韩国及其他地区的佛教徒和基督教徒,本文将奇努尔的知讷(1158-1210)“空寂灵知”(kongjŏk yŏngji 空寂灵知)概念与伊格内修斯进行功能比较。洛约拉 (1491–1556) 的“对精神的冷漠和洞察力”。Chinul 和 Ignatius 都在灵性旅程的开始处设定了一个基本的体验,并贯穿到它的结束:Chinul 最初的突然觉醒(tono 顿悟),它是渐进修行(chŏmsu 渐修)的基础,直到一个人的最终觉醒(chŭngo 证悟) ); 伊格内修斯的原则和基础,它支撑着允许一个人进入与上帝完全结合和/或共融的过程。对于Chinul来说,当通过无瑕的超脱,一个人的心性和功能达到完全和谐的点,一个达到完美的空寂灵性认识。对于伊格内修斯来说,当一个人的意志通过完全的冷漠与上帝的意志合而为一时,人们就可以毫无疑问地辨别出他的旨意。这种不间断的空虚寂静的精神知觉和持续的冷漠和洞察力,代表了奇努尔和伊格内修斯各自思想中的终极实现。根据这种功能比较,正如静空的体验可以让人在心中看到佛性,精神的体验可以让人看到神住在自己里面。的确,基于这些一方面是对静空的觉醒体验,另一方面是由于上帝的同在,上帝和/或静空在人的心性中或通过人的心性工作,从而使正确的导致正确思想、言语、