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Human Nature and Buddha Nature in Wŏnhyo
Journal of Korean Religions ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2017.0001
Jong Wook Kim , Richard D. McBride

In contrast to the view of humanity as in a quest for truth between reason and animal nature in the Western philosophical tradition, between wholesomeness and unwholesomeness in Confucianism, and between stillness and motion in Daoism, proponents of Buddhism understand humanity as in a search for truth between impurity and purity, or in other terms, of being composed of an unoriginal actuality called "delusion" and an original potentiality called "enlightenment." To more briefly express this Buddhist framework of viewing humanity, we might say, "the mind-nature is originally pure but is contaminated by adventitious defilements." In this way, a mind that is originally pure is the "pure mind of self-nature" (prakṛti-prabhāsvara-citta); the transformation of original nature from this kind of pure mind of the self-nature to the most interior recesses of living beings is precisely "Buddha nature" (pulsŏng 佛性). To Wŏnhyo, that the essence of Buddha nature is the one mind means that the original nature of humanity is "Buddha nature as the one mind." Furthermore, it is harmonization between the dharma nature of "non-duality and emptiness" and the awakened nature of "nature understanding itself mysteriously." This refers to the heart of enlightenment through realization of Buddha nature, which is precisely emptiness. Accordingly, to Wŏnhyo, the original nature of human beings is "Buddha nature as the one mind," and that can be known as being "Buddha nature by means of emptiness."



与西方哲学传统中的人性在理性与动物性之间、儒家中的善与不善之间以及道家中的静与动之间寻求真理的观点相反,佛教的支持者将人性理解为寻求真理。在不纯与纯净之间,或者换句话说,由一种叫做“妄想”的非原始现实和一种叫做“开悟”的原始潜力组成。为了更简单地表达这种佛教看待人性的框架,我们可以说:“心性本来是清净的,但被外来的烦恼污染了。” 如此一来,本来清净的心就是“自性清净心”(prakṛti-prabhāsvara-citta);原性从这种自性清净心到众生最深处的转化,正是“佛性”(pulsŏng佛性)。对Wŏnhyo来说,佛性的本质是一心,意味着人的本性是“佛性为一心”。再者,它是“无二空性”的法性与“自性玄妙”的觉性的调和。这是指证悟佛性的证悟之心,也就是空性。因此,对Wŏnhyo来说,人的本性是“佛性为一心”,可以称为“佛性以空性”。