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Book Review: Women’s Bands in America: Performing Music and Gender, by Jill SullivanWomen’s Bands in America: Performing Music and Gender, by SullivanJill. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. v + 373 pp., $100 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1-4422-5440-4.
Journal of Historical Research in Music Education ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-19 , DOI: 10.1177/1536600618764982
Kristin Coen-Mishlan 1

Sousa was a household name during his lifetime and this volume makes available a range of his opinions, from his favorite pasta recipe (I tried it and it’s pretty good!) to his fight with Congress regarding music piracy and royalties on recordings. A perceptive reader will understand better the times of Sousa’s life. His comments on ethnic music and jazz and conservative view on governmental support of the arts (he was absolutely opposed to the idea of government subsidy for art in any forms, yet his career was launched as a member of a federal military band!) are somewhat head-shaking but he was a product of the times. As Proksch writes, he was the Teddy Roosevelt–like figure for the musical world. With regard to this volume: Bully for Proksch!


书评:美国女子乐队:表演音乐与性别,吉尔·沙利文着 马里兰州兰哈姆:Rowman & Littlefield,2017 年。 v + 373 页,100 美元(精装),ISBN 978-1-4422-5440-4。

苏萨在他有生之年是家喻户晓的名字,这本书提供了他的一系列观点,从他最喜欢的意大利面食谱(我试过,非常好!)到他与国会就音乐盗版和唱片版税的斗争。一个有洞察力的读者会更好地理解苏萨生活的时代。他对民族音乐和爵士乐的评论以及对政府支持艺术的保守观点(他绝对反对任何形式的政府补贴艺术的想法,但他的职业生涯是作为联邦军乐队的成员开始的!)摇头,但他是时代的产物。正如普罗克施所写,他是音乐界泰迪·罗斯福(Teddy Roosevelt)式的人物。关于本卷:欺负 Proksch!