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From Prussia with Love: Music at Uppingham School, 1853–1908
Journal of Historical Research in Music Education ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-27 , DOI: 10.1177/1536600618784543
Malcolm Tozer 1

Music played little part in the education of British children before 1853 when Edward Thring was appointed headmaster of Uppingham Grammar School in the English Midlands. Thring created an innovative holistic curriculum for the two dozen boys of this rural boarding school and he appointed a musician as the third addition to his staff to form a teaching faculty of five; by the time of Thring’s death in 1887 and a school roll now three hundred, the full-time music team numbered six. Almost all came from Prussia: early appointments stayed only a year or two but later ones, including Paul David—"Music and Choir Master”—made Uppingham their permanent home. Over the course of four decades, David—a member of the Mendelssohn and Schumann circle, and friend of Brahms and Sterndale Bennett—raised music to a high level of distinction and a broad level of participation beyond all other schools and, through his lifelong friendship with Josef Joachim, he attracted many celebrated musicians to perform to and play alongside his boys. None of this, however, would have happened but for a chance meeting in Rome in 1852.



在 1853 年爱德华·斯林被任命为英格兰中部地区的阿平汉文法学校校长之前,音乐在英国儿童的教育中发挥的作用很小。Thring 为这所乡村寄宿学校的两打男孩创建了一个创新的整体课程,他任命了一名音乐家作为他的第三名员工,组建了一个五人的教师队伍;到 1887 年 Thring 去世,学校名册现在有 300 人时,全职音乐团队已经有 6 人了。几乎所有人都来自普鲁士:早期的任命只保留了一两年,但后来的任命,包括保罗大卫——“音乐和合唱团大师”——使阿平汉姆成为他们永久的家。在四年的时间里,大卫——门德尔松的成员和舒曼圆,Brahms 和 Sterndale Bennett 的朋友——将音乐提升到了超越所有其他学校的高度杰出和广泛参与水平,并且通过他与 Josef Joachim 的终生友谊,他吸引了许多著名的音乐家与他的孩子们一起表演和演奏。然而,这一切都不会发生,要不是 1852 年在罗马的一次偶然的会面。