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Religion as a Predictor for the Support of Judicial Human Rights?
Journal of Empirical Theology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-11 , DOI: 10.1163/15709256-12341358
Hans-Georg Ziebertz 1

Human rights are the cornerstones of modern liberal democracies, but this does not mean that they can be taken for granted. Human rights need the support of the people. But how willing are people to support them? This question points to the problem of the legitimacy of human rights. This research paper focuses on judicial human rights such as freedom from torture, the rights of accused persons and the inviolability of the home. A quantitative, empirical survey was carried out among 2,244 German youth in the age group of 16 years, and this paper explores what attitudes these young German respondents have towards the rights referred to above. The assumption is that several other factors influence attitudes towards judicial rights; the paper considers human dignity, which is a constitutional right in Germany, but also religious beliefs, personality traits and society’s socio-political perception. The findings show that only two judicial rights (freedom from torture and the inviolability of the home) are positively valued by the respondents. From all predictors included in the research survey, the two strongest are sex (being female) and a low degree of authoritarianism. The comparison of religious groups shows that Muslims differ strongly from Catholics, Protestants and non-religious youth.



人权是现代自由民主国家的基石,但这并不意味着它们可以被视为理所当然。人权需要人民的支持。但是人们有多愿意支持他们呢?这个问题指向了人权的合法性问题。本研究论文侧重于司法人权,例如免于酷刑、被告人的权利和家庭的不可侵犯性。对 2,244 名 16 岁的德国青年进行了定量的实证调查,本文探讨了这些德国青年受访者对上述权利的态度。假设还有其他几个因素会影响对司法权利的态度;该论文考虑了人的尊严,这是德国的宪法权利,也是宗教信仰,人格特质和社会的社会政治认知。调查结果表明,只有两项司法权利(免于酷刑和家庭不受侵犯)受到受访者的积极评价。从研究调查中包含的所有预测因素来看,两个最强的是性别(女性)和低程度的专制。宗教团体的比较表明,穆斯林与天主教徒、新教徒和非宗教青年有很大不同。