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The Order of the Kushite Kings According to Sources from the Eastern Desert and Thebes. Or: Shabataka was here first!
Journal of Egyptian History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-17 , DOI: 10.1163/18741665-12340037
Claus Jurman 1

The correct order of the first two kings of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty has been the subject of a growing debate since Michael Bányai proposed a revision of the traditional chronological model in 2013. By placing Shabataka before Shabaka Bányai challenged the commonly accepted view according to which it was Shabaka who established the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty and secured Kushite control over all of Egypt after having re-conquered the North and disposed of his adversary Bocchoris of the Twenty-Fourth Dynasty. Since then Bányai’s proposal of modifying the sequence of the Kushite kings, thus making Shabataka Bocchoris’ opponent, has received a growing number of supporters who have brought forward additional arguments in favour of it.

The present article introduces new arguments based on a careful analysis of prosopographic, archaeological, and epigraphic data from the Eastern Desert and Thebes—especially relating to the Kushite Nile Level Records at Karnak—which provide the strongest evidence for the sequence “Shabaka—Shabataka” hitherto adduced.



自从迈克尔·班尼(MichaelBányai)在2013年提出对传统时间顺序模型的修订以来,第二十五王朝的前两位国王的正确顺序一直是引起越来越多辩论的主题。通过将沙巴塔卡(Shabataka)放在沙巴卡·班尼(ShabakaBányai)之前,他对普遍接受的观点提出了质疑。 Shabaka建立了第二十五王朝,并在重新征服北部并处置了第二十四王朝的对手Bocchoris之后,建立了Kushite对整个埃及的控制权。从那时起,班亚伊就提出修改库什特国王序列的提议,从而使沙巴塔卡·博乔里斯成为反对派,这一提议得到了越来越多的支持者,他们提出了更多的支持这一论点的主张。

本文在仔细分析东部沙漠和底比斯的人口学,考古学和人口统计学数据的基础上,提出了新的论据,尤其是与卡纳克(Karnak)的库什特尼罗河水位记录有关的数据,它为“ Shabaka-Shabataka”序列提供了最有力的证据。迄今为止。
