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Evidence for Administration of the Nubian Fortresses in the Late Middle Kingdom: The Semna Dispatches
Journal of Egyptian History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-15 , DOI: 10.1163/18741665-12340026
Bryan Kraemer 1 , Kate Liszka 2

Evidence for the system of written communications used in Egypt’s administration of its forts is sparse. Of the papyri that exist, the “Semna Dispatches” has provided most of the information available about this system as it existed in Lower Nubia during the late Middle Kingdom. In 1945, Paul Smither posthumously published P. Ramesseum C (bm ea 10752) as “The Semnah Despatches.” Smither was unaware of two fragments, framed with P. Ramesseum 19 (bm ea 10772.2). This study edits the unpublished fragments and incorporates them into the larger discussion about the Semna Dispatches. They provide clarity for the document as a whole. They show that the dispatches were, primarily, used to coordinate surveillance around the Semna Gorge and, secondarily, to record security concerns for other fortresses. Furthermore, they were written in a surveillance office at Semna West and not in Thebes. This study resolves several debates about the dispatches and the control of Lower Nubia in the late Middle Kingdom.



埃及要塞管理所使用的书面通讯系统的证据很少。在存在的纸莎草纸中,“塞姆纳派遣”提供了有关该系统的大多数可用信息,因为该系统存在于中古国后期的下努比亚。1945年,保罗·史密瑟(Paul Smither)死后出版了《拉美西斯(P. Ramesseum)C(bm ea 10752)》一书,名为《 The Semnah Despatches》。史密瑟(Smither)没有意识到用拉美西斯(P. Ramesseum)19(bm ea)构筑的两个碎片10772.2)。这项研究编辑了未发布的片段,并将其纳入有关Semna Dispatches的较大讨论中。它们为整个文档提供了清晰度。他们表明,派遣人员主要是用来协调塞姆纳峡谷周围的监视,其次是记录其他要塞的安全问题。此外,它们是在西姆纳西(Semna West)的监视办公室而不是在底比斯(Thebes)写的。这项研究解决了关于晚期中王国后期下努比亚的派遣和控制的一些辩论。
