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The Sixth Heracleopolitan King Merikare Khety
Journal of Egyptian History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-17 , DOI: 10.1163/18741665-12340028
Arkadiy Demidchik 1

The history of the Heracleopolitan royal “House of Khety,” comprising Manethonian Dynasties ix and x, remains unknown to us. The only monarch whose place in the Heracleopolitans’ succession is believed to be well established is Merikare, the addressee of the famous treatise on kingship. For almost eight decades he has been alleged to be the final or penultimate Heracleopolitan ruler. However, even this hardened opinion rests on erroneous presumptions. Close scrutiny of all pertaining records permits rather to identify Merikare with the sixth Heracleopolitan pharaoh, listed in the Turin King-list, v. 24, with the nomen “Khety.” Merikare’s father, the fifth king of Heracleopolis, managed to restore the capital back to Memphis. Therefore, later he was at times considered as founder of a new, Dynasty “x”, with his four “purely Heracleopolitan” predecessors forming “Dynasty ix.” Such is an explanation for Manetho’s much debated division of the Heracleopolitans into two dynasties.


第六世手风琴王梅里卡里·凯蒂(Merikare Khety)

包括曼尼多尼王朝第ixx世的赫拉克勒波坦王室“ Khety之屋”的历史对我们来说仍然是未知的。据信,著名的君主专论的收件人梅里卡雷(Merikare)是唯一在君主立宪制继承中地位良好的君主。在将近八十年的时间里,他被认为是最终或倒数第二的赫拉克洛波利坦统治者。但是,即使是这种顽固的意见也取决于错误的推定。所有有关记录严格审查允许而识别梅里卡尔与第六Heracleopolitan法老,在都灵景名单,上市v。24号,命名为“ Khety”。Merikare的父亲是Heracleopolis的第五任国王,设法将首都恢复到孟菲斯。因此,后来他有时被认为是新的王朝“ x ”的创始人,他的四个“纯粹的赫拉克勒波坦”前身组成了“王朝ix”。这是对Manetho将争论中的Heracleopolitans划分为两个王朝的一种解释。
